I had just returned from Europe and by chance was lucky enough to catch the exhibit. This was my first introduction into the Turkish world, along with a glimpse into work of a very talented artist. For me this is where the Turkish journey began.




Beyond the “Elements of Istanbul”

Gabrielle’s art doesn’t just give us the elements of a city framed, but invites us to abandon time as to invoke a sense of feeling and emotion of the great city and it’s people. This page does not do the artist justice and only represents a small fraction of her works and adventures. I am grateful to have such an amazing artistic rival who pushes me and inspires me to be the best artist possible.

I have known Gabriella for the better part of two decades now and watched her begin her carer as an artist and develop her craft into what it is today. Now, looking back the journey to today has been an incredible ride. I didn’t know just how incredible until I was inspired enough to take the chance and experience a place that she now calls home. Already a huge fan and lover of mega cities I was apprehensive about going at first, but soon after I settled in I came to understand why she would now call this home. The people incredible friendly, the culture and history as rich and as vibrent as Gabrielle’s use of color I too found a place in my heart for the city, right next to my beloved Kyoto, and Tokyo, Japan


In typical tradition of randomly booking my trips around the world I was short by a day of seeing the opening of the solo exhibition. Still, I was afforded a private tour before the opening getting to see the pieces of art before anyone else along with getting to spend the day with the artist running last minuet errands. The day in the life of an artist before the show was an amazing experiences, not to mention busy and hectic. More than hard work, sweet and tears goes into a show, turly your heart, soul and your entire being is put out there on the line for the world to see. One aspect I loved about the show is that a show illuminating many of the day to day aspects of Istanbul in Istanbul i think is truly a unique opportunity. How often do people begin to live their life as a program and never see or experience the beauty and magic happening all around them.


When I make mention of beyond the elements of Istabul and begin looking at various pieces absent of time do I gain a deeper sense and understanding of life there in the city. Walking around the town and having her point some of the random locals whom she has done their paintings, or various places that have been captured in her sketches I understood the concept of being there rather then getting there. Istanbul is very much a city that express the art of being there in the moment. When your shopping you are also engaging in conversation, having hot tea and putting together an entire happening right there before you. One aspect I love about many of the pictures that are made is the absence of background noise within the picture, leaving you with an idea that everyone one is a person, and everyone has a story.


As a fan, a friend and fellow artist there are some pieces of work that I can’t go without having, and this is one of them. The rich use of color and technique along with one of my favorite subject matters, coffee, and tea, this was a piece that I simply had to have for my collection. I bought this piece while on our way to her studio. Not only did I have a piece of art that I loved but I enjoyed supporting my fellow artistic friends.

While my stay in Istanbul I was also offered the opportunity to participate in one of Gabrielle’s classes along with several of her other students, from all over the world myself included. I was blown away with her ability not only to teach but to teach not just in English but also in Turkish language. Not only did I get a lesson in art but I got a lesson in language. The Turkish language is beautiful and anyone who can teach in more then one language has my respect. Few people learn another language, so to see someone teaching a class in both was inspiring to say the least.

I got the chance to see where magic of making art takes place and was I cast a wondering eye I was truly humbled. I myself had forgotten about the simplest of expressions in every day life. I have always been caught up in a piece that is only seemin…

I got the chance to see where magic of making art takes place and was I cast a wondering eye I was truly humbled. I myself had forgotten about the simplest of expressions in every day life. I have always been caught up in a piece that is only seemingly impactful, but a piece of art is made up by all the little aspects, the little events and happening that combine together to make the full piece.


My first two piece to my collection, I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them. I knew I had to have them. Though at first I didn’t know that the piece on the right existed, I feared that I wouldn’t be able to perches it before someone else bought it. I was destined to have both of them, as I went down to the gallery the next day and bought the second. These two pieces also inspired me on going out and later buying my own tea glass and attempting my own rendition.


These two pieces were a gift when I bought the piece in Istanbul from her solo exhibition. Spite them being post cards and not the originals I felt that it important to add them and have them framed as part of the collection. To me having various originals, postcards, and prints is truly having a complete collection.

Photo taken by: Gabrielle Reeves

Photo taken by: Gabrielle Reeves

The original piece to this is by far smaller as can be seen on the right. My print is nearly three times the original and stands as one of the largest in size in my collection. I truly look forward to art of tomorrow, and to the ideas and happenings captured.

Downtown Istanbul vendor carrying balloons.

Downtown Istanbul vendor carrying balloons.

From the very inception of this piece I knew that it was one that I would be adding to my now growing collection. This depiction of life, this vibrant happening reminded me of another place in the world seemingly a world away, Kyoto. The two cities could almost be twins. I felt fortunate to known them both, their personality, their characteristics, a happening that I am so thankful for the fact that I got to know and experience them Pre-Covid-19.

This picture was created some time before taking possession. The beginnings of said piece start with another artist, and artist who studies in photograph. This is a rendition of the image, and although I have never seen the picture I feel it is pointless at this point. I have the opinion and feeling I was fortunate enough to capture. By the time I finally caught up with Gabby it was late already late in the week, having missed her in the first part put everything up in the air. All things have a way of working out and I was able to see her after all. Unlike the times before we would greet each other with a warm welcome and a hug. Now we simply smiled and I showed my respect and embrace of Japanese culture and bowed. I was excited to show off some of my work. The pieces I choose was that of my friend from the sub way, and the collage of people, and their individual profile snap shot drawings. When she got to hers she was so impressed that she had to stop her parents and have them see my work. After showing my work she went on to show me her sketch books, and recent self portraits. I found out through my friend that Turkey was still very much on lock down, and having grown tired of architecture so she had been doing a lot of facial drawings. Every now in then I keep thinking in the back of my mind how much I missed seeing her face, and my own for that matter. I missed the amazing-ness of facial expressions. I was super impressed with her small sketch book. I felt that it could be one; a sort of card stock holding postcards that can be torn out and used to write from time to time, and two as sort of an on going comic strip narrating a day in the life. Art for her was taking on a smaller sale, not only was it easier to travel with but also much easier to make ready for showings and opportunity. I love the big canvas and struggle to go small. Also recently she had finished using the wood blocks that I got for her back in October of 2019. The hope is to get her more before her return as to have something to work on after the holidays. With everyone uneasy with guests I left before I seemingly even arrived. We made promise to get back together in the near future and catch up again over coffee. Before leaving we talked about Japan I made mention that she need go and visit. There is a magic to where the sun rises, and to be apart of it something to treasure.