Art is the only place where I truly feel free from the pressures and expectations of the world. In art, I can do and become anything, ponder the possibilities of going back in time, and ponder bigger and much more in-depth ideas without criticism and scrutiny. People tell me how good my work is and how I could make money from it, and maybe I could, but I make art for me.



Some more sketches practicing with faces and texture in clothing. Often its hard to re-imagine reality into drawings.


A snap shot in art.

I love this piece not only did it come out well but the shirt looked amazing, especially for a quick sketch.


Practice with Charcoal

Trying to use charcoal wasn’t bad, though my pieces came out better then I hoped for.

The ultimate goal with this piece is to do it again and have it be a piece of meaning with in meaning.

The ultimate goal with this piece is to do it again and have it be a piece of meaning with in meaning.


First Man to Walk in Space

A friend was working with scratch-board, a medium that I saw and instantly knew I could do, or at least make something neat. I was not disappointed with my first attempt. Working with an unforgiving medium is always a challenge.

Charcoal, along with pastel, is not my strongest suit, but it doesn’t stop me from getting my hands dirty. The one thing I like about the mediums is because it allows you to express creativity quickly and fluidly.

Cherry Blossom. This piece is an attempt at creating a cherry tree during an early morning rain storm.

Cherry Blossom. This piece is an attempt at creating a cherry tree during an early morning rain storm.

My first time playing with oil sticks of color, it was a hard medium to get use to. Although the foreground came out better then expected, I hope to do an entire piece that looks similar to this.

My first time playing with oil sticks of color was a hard medium to get used to. Although the foreground came out better than expected, I hope to do an entire piece that looks similar to this.

I started to play around with color and freehand painting to see what I could come up with. I very much felt like the Dr. in the movie Loving Vincent. The Doctor would take Van Goth’s paintings and spend hours attempting to recreate something that V…

I started to play around with color and freehand painting to see what I could come up with. I very much felt like the Dr. in the movie Loving Vincent. The Doctor would take Van Goth’s paintings and spend hours attempting to recreate something that Vincent did seem so effortless. For me, this piece, much like the pieces in my collection, holds special meaning me. These paintings and drawings hold the idea of “identity in space.” A culture about being there, and an idea of enjoying at the moment.

I love art and love creating art, along with finding new and imaginative ways of capturing and expressing life. Although I am not always home with my supplies, I have had to rely on technology to overcome this hurdle. I use the iPad and I-Pen to create these new art pieces; I am happy to keep up an idea that I am passionate about and love. I look forward to seeing what I can come up with and make in the time to come.

Inspired by my artistic friend from Turkey and her amazingly painted teacups, this is one of my first real attempts at drawing a highly detailed line drawing. I was at the Grand Bazaar when I happened to have this cup of tea.

Inspired by my artistic friend from Turkey and her amazingly painted teacups, this is one of my first real attempts at drawing a highly detailed line drawing. I was at the Grand Bazaar when I happened to have this cup of tea.

I am lucky and fortunate to have amazing friends who all me the opportunity to draw and share in something I truly love.

I am lucky and fortunate to have amazing friends who all me the opportunity to draw and share in something I truly love.

Having never been great at drawing faces or people in general this is a process all in it’s own of getting better at drawing. I hope to move on to self portraits soon.

Having never been great at drawing faces or people in general, this is a process all on its own of getting better at drawing. I hope to move on to self-portraits soon.

After finishing the teacup I decided I would try and add some color for fun. I am happy with the results as it gives it much more depth and perspective. Looking at the line drawing alone you begin to lose context as to what is shadow, and what is di…

After finishing the teacup, I decided I would try and add some color for fun. I am happy with the results as it gives it much more depth and perspective. Looking at the line drawing alone, you begin to lose context about a shadow and what is distortion.

When I was in Istanbul Turkey I absolutely fell in love with the idea behind this piece of re-imagined art. Not to mention this was a t-shirt that I had to have. This shirt went on to inspire me to do my own re-imagining of my own in a tribute of my…

When I was in Istanbul, Turkey, I absolutely fell in love with the idea behind this piece of re-imagined art. Not to mention this was a t-shirt that I had to have. This shirt inspired me to do my own re-imagining of my own in a tribute of my own.

A picture of a friend that I cam across that had that iconic look that left me saying, “yes, that’s the one.” The one, the image that would allow me to transform it into my own unique take on an already iconic, and re-imagined piece of art work.

A picture of a friend that I came across that had that iconic look that left me saying, “yes, that’s the one.” The image that would allow me to transform it into my own unique take on an already iconic and re-imagined piece of artwork.

Tea With Friends: I started this piece sometime in September of 2019 and finished February 2020. I had a good time playing with colors and trying a technique that my friend developed. Though everything isn’t in proper proportion, nor do all the shad…

Tea With Friends: I started this piece sometime in September of 2019 and finished in February 2020. I had a good time playing with colors and trying a technique that my friend developed. Though everything isn’t in proper proportion, nor do all the shadows work together, it was a fun piece none the less. Considering that this picture actually contains four separate pieces, they all combine to make one.

Life has incredible way of happening when you least expect it. When you have someone come into your life who changes it by their friendship it means the world that I get to capture that in the from of art. I look forward to working with my friend mo…

Life has incredible way of happening when you least expect it. When you have someone come into your life who changes it by their friendship it means the world that I get to capture that in the from of art. I look forward to working with my friend more in creating new and amazing pictures.

Daily Commute: This is a picture taken of a beautiful young women whom I had the oppertunity to also go on a date with while on my summer trip to Japan in 2019. When printed the full depth is imagined on a piece of paper measuring 6’ x 16’. The piec…

Daily Commute: This is a picture taken of a beautiful young woman I had the opportunity to go on a date with while on my summer trip to Japan in 2019. When printed, the full depth is imagined on a piece of paper measuring 6’ x 16’. The piece took over a month to complete. The hardest part was getting the texture of the handbag and dress down.

Christmas Dog .jpg

This piece was a commission for a friend that was to be a special Christmas gift.


I love the attention to detail in the artistic piece. One of my closest artist friends was a piece done when she was in France doing a residency. When I showed her her portrait, she was impressed by the amazing detail in her sweater and scarf. The time it took to complete this piece took forever.

I wanted to capture an idea of beauty and friendship and this is what formed out of separate drawings.  From there I decided to turn the picture into a sort of Sgt. Pepper album cover of sorts.

I wanted to capture an idea of beauty and friendship and this is what formed out of separate drawings. From there I decided to turn the picture into a sort of Sgt. Pepper album cover of sorts.

There is great attention to detail but as more and more is added the detail gives way and combines to make for an even greater picture.  The theme is to be one of people I know and places I have gone.  Sort of like a collage of who and what I am and…

There is great attention to detail, but as more and more is added, the detail gives way and combines to make an even greater picture. The theme is to be one of the people I know and places I have gone. Sort of like a collage of who and what I am and am about, let alone the influences the world has had on me.

There is to be a lot of elements found in the picture that speak of Japan and it’s influences on me.  The building depicted is known as the Capsule Tower found near Ginza.  It is as unique as it’s architecture.

There are many elements found in the picture that speaks of Japan and its influences on me. The building depicted is known as the Capsule Tower found near Ginza. It is as unique as its architecture.

I decided that I would add elements of color in various parts to make things “pop.”  Overall I intend to keep the drawing black and white for the most part.  One thing I thought about doing was turning one of the windows of the building into an eyeb…

I decided that I would add elements of color in various parts to make things “pop.” Overall I intend to keep the drawing black and white for the most part. One thing I thought about doing was turning one of the windows of the building into an eyeball. Including more and more amazing the time it takes to create upon a blank canvas, I imagine that it will be some time before this piece is ever done.

This is a self-portrait that I did to include in my main drawing with my friends and my thoughts.  I was surprised and happy with the way the hoodie turned out, not to mention the expression with color.  Color has always been a hard concept for me s…

This is a self-portrait that I did to include in my main drawing with my friends and my thoughts. I was surprised and happy with the way the hoodie turned out, not to mention the expression with color. Color has always been a hard concept for me so I thought I would begin with small hints of it here and there.


I decided to start adding elements of color into my picture with strong undertones of black and white. I also decided to add not just people I know and ideas that I am aware of, but also complicated ideas that express depth beyond the artwork itself. I am particularly happy with the way that the Paprika poster turned out. For anyone who doesn’t know what Paprika is in short it is a film that delves into the human psyche and the notion of dreams and dreaming. I like to think that ideas juxtaposed to one another paint for an in-depth portrait of life beyond the superficial notions


This was a fun piece of art and spite it turning out fairly well I did not like how it look in the end. and it did not mesh well with the rest of the montage. If anything at least I have another piece of artwork to add to the myriad of my art.


Now that this recent addition is added to the piece I can move forward into making adding more profile pictures, along with developing more of the city as the back ground.

There are times that I feel that this is the only picture that I have going on and that not much happens in it.  Truth be told the incredibly detailed nature and size in which I am working with make it complicated. The piece has come so far and yet …

There are times that I feel that this is the only picture that I have going on and that not much happens in it. Truth be told the incredibly detailed nature and size in which I am working with make it complicated. The piece has come so far and yet still has so far to go 4-25-21. This is one of those piece of art that encompasses many aspect and times of my life. I can sit and say I was here and doing this or that in life when I was working on this or aspect of the drawing.

I thought I would add elements of Akira into the drawing that already depicts “Liz and the Blue Bird.”  I think the dichotomy between the two different societies and their structuring.  On their own, they both tell an interesting and well played out…

I thought I would add elements of Akira into the drawing that already depicts “Liz and the Blue Bird.” I think the dichotomy between the two different societies and their structuring. On their own, they both tell an interesting and well played out story that offers insight into the life and into the different classes in which people find themselves when growing up. Such a mash-up is cool in the first place seeing two amazing iconic animes mashed up side by side. I think there are elements from both stories that people can relate to and take with them important lessons. I am extremely happy for the way this aspect of the drawing has turned out.

This is the most recent development of a picture that I am doing of a friend that is to be included in my grander piece that I am drawing.  I absolutely love drawing texture and the shirt and hair are quite the challenge.   I block in parts of the hair and other parts of the drawing with harsh hard-drawn lines until I can block in the wave and flow of individual stands of hair.

This is the most recent development of a picture that I am doing of a friend that is to be included in my grander piece that I am drawing. I absolutely love drawing texture and the shirt and hair are quite the challenge. I block in parts of the hair and other parts of the drawing with harsh hard-drawn lines until I can block in the wave and flow of individual stands of hair.

Up and coming I will be working on a commissioned piece for a friend. I realized that while pondering the piece that this will be my last commissioned work of art for someone. That is to say unless someone were to throw an insane amount of money at me, but even then I am skeptical about doing work for someone. Art is my thing, something that allow me to be free and allows me express myself. As much as I love drawing and creating ideas in this form I can’t wait until I begin my film series. Drawing however will always hold a special place in my life because it is a from in which I can bend the truth where as film will be a way of representing a different form of depth that already exits.

A finished drawing for the most part.  The hair was one of the biggest challenges I have faced with my new hyper real drawings.  In a book that I was currently writing at the time of creating this piece there was a part that talked about the intention.  Why create art, or at least why create this particular piece of art.  There is one reason mentioned outside the rest of the others that fit reasoning for doing this and many others.  The answer is simple, the art.  There is nothing more pure then capturing the purity and essence of the moment and having it set outside reality and in its own moment.

A finished drawing for the most part. The hair was one of the biggest challenges I have faced with my new hyper real drawings. In a book that I was currently writing at the time of creating this piece there was a part that talked about the intention. Why create art, or at least why create this particular piece of art. There is one reason mentioned outside the rest of the others that fit reasoning for doing this and many others. The answer is simple, the art. There is nothing more pure then capturing the purity and essence of the moment and having it set outside reality and in its own moment.

Yes, this piece has become the main dominating concept as of lately.  And though it grows in detail people who have seen the piece early on have lost interest in it.  I limit the people I share the concept with and yet I post it here for the world to see.  The picture has come a long way and still has a long way to go.

Yes, this piece has become the main dominating concept as of lately. And though it grows in detail people who have seen the piece early on have lost interest in it. I limit the people I share the concept with and yet I post it here for the world to see. The picture has come a long way and still has a long way to go.

A friend from one of the many coffee shops I frequent.  I am always so fortunate to draw and capture the magic of life as it happens.

A friend from one of the many coffee shops I frequent. I am always so fortunate to draw and capture the magic of life as it happens.

I am finally finished with my friends drawing and I couldn’t be more happy with the way it turned out. There is such simplicity and such depth in this picture.

The picture I took is a bit distorted, why, I do not know, but you get the idea.  This is going to be a self portrait with a Yasser Arafat sort of idea going into the drawing.  I have done many different ideas and in the world of art anything is possible.

The picture I took is a bit distorted, why, I do not know, but you get the idea. This is going to be a self portrait with a Yasser Arafat sort of idea going into the drawing. I have done many different ideas and in the world of art anything is possible.

Work in progress. I absoultly love creating texture in drawings.

This self portraits of me while in Istanbul, Turkey has seemingly taken for ever. I am happy to say that I am glad to finally be done with it. The thing I love about this piece is the incredible attention to detail and the depth. I don’t often do self portraits but when you get things just right, you get things just right.

There was an incredable amount of detail that went into this drawing. I was particularly impressed with the way that the reflections in my sunglasses turned out.

I think that this picture turned out fairly good considering what I was trying to accomplish. derision and proportion wise.

Absolutely love this picture simple in nature and complex and impactful

This was just a quick sketch that made it to the bigger picture.

As you can tell, this picture is seemingly taking me forever but is finally starting to take shape. I think of how small it is and yet, at the same time, how incredibly grand and detailed. I want to say that it is at least 1/3 of the way finished. You can see that I went in a different direction and changed the picture above. I've had to start inventing people to put into the picture. In the future, I will explore putting more art in that plays off the perspective point of view. A feeling much like the Rubber soul album has. This piece continues to take on new meaning and evolves as I push art and the visual spectrum to the limits. After adding several new elements, the laying of pictures in the form of billboards while having a meeting of the minds at the table, I think that as I move further left, adding more and more elements, I will turn it into a Sgt. Pepper sort of them. Rather than having people framed in portraits, I will have them standing there.

Another aspect that I plan to do with this piece is the illusion of size to create the idea of space and give the feeling of fading distance. In the middle, people and elements without frames will be kept large and in proportion to one another until I decided to fade back to smaller pieces of different proportions using a framing method.

I don't even have a plan for this work of art. I go with it; I only ever have a certain feeling I wish to capture and a very vague idea. I admit that in many ways, how I get the idea of the inspiration or the muse is irrelevant, as once it becomes art, it's mine.

What I have planned next is to add another Gundam depicting the current model that is poised in Tokyo Bay at Dive City. I would also like to add some pieces of art that cover the table. There are also a few elements that I plan to go back and change to go with the project, specifically the panel that depicts the mountains found in the first "picture frame."

This is another drawing that I am currently working on. I love creating texture. Texture is the untold story that many people try and skip over.

Finished with another piece of art. This turned out better then I imagined or could have hoped for. I just love how it turned out. I am particularly fond of how the shadow from the nose looks. I didn’t like the guy in the billboard and have plans to remove it and replace the image with this one.

Some times I have to crate the world I want to live in by making art, manifesting reality if you will.

Many artists of the past use to paint on both sides of a canvas if not over top of their art. This is one of those cases.

Art is one of those things where you have to practice and try out new techniques in order to get good. This is one of those pieces. The idea of this one is another study in texture and in portraits. The nose in this one has given me troubles in getting the shadows just right. The lace was a challenge, and so was the lace. Overall I think this is a great beginning study and is good enough to be included into the college.

I have managed to make some very intersting changes in the picture including moving away from framed pictures into people seemingly there standing out against the crowd. I Guess you could say that this picture is a quarter of the way there.

I really love how this turned out, not to mention that it was a lot of fun.

This is the next addition in my master collage of art.

This is another addition to my master piece I have one more figure to draw to represent the core idea of the Sgt. Pepper concept.

This is one of my friends and one of my greatest inspirations. Constantly encouraging me virtually every day. She is a big help in keeping me focused on my dreams and continuing the Journey.

Although I love the sailor girl in the background with the aircraft carrier I am not a fan of the face and feel that it detracts from the rest of the drawing. This is something that I will be fixing and covering up soon.

I keep playing around with the idea of here I want to place some of my drawings. For now I think I will focus in on building the right hand side of the photo up. Although I can not deny how impressive this look, maybe just not as much as the left hand side does.

These two pictures were troublesome from the beginning. I can usually tell if a drawing is going to work out in the first session or not. Some pictures I force, but the overall result suffers tremendously. I love making art; however, the process can become tiresome, especially when a drawing doesn’t turn out or become a horror. Still, art is what keeps me sane and a love that keeps me creating.

Often I will come across a picture an imagine that I simply can’t pass up from drawing. This is one of such images. This depicts an F4 Phantom Jet figher of the Vietnam War.

My master piece continues to grow and evolve with each addition. For me the evolution has been one of the things that draws me back to continual add more and more.

This was to be a birthday present for a friend whom I thought would like this. unfortunately, their birthday has elapsed and I have not been able to give it to them yet. Nonetheless, to me, it’s still a beautiful piece of artwork. I look forward to giving it to her even if it is later than usual.

Poetry in motion

“At the risk of not saying what’s on my mind and in my heart, and sounding like a second or third grader passing notes the truth is I really like you, I mean to say I like, like you. I know you may have never thought of me like that or have feelings for me in that way. And that’s ok. Maybe that’s what maturity is or maybe that’s what it means to truly love someone. The desire to see them happy, smile, to say yes to life, and run with the fiery passion that burns in their heart and soul, to know a life made of their dreams. What can I say you painted my world in a vibrant color leaving me wanting to run with that magic. I have had an incredible time celebrating the amazing person you are, you have always been original kind, and treated me with respect bringing such joy and happiness to my life. I wasn’t expecting to feel so much more than the magic I already knew, only when I realized I missed seeing you did it really hit me. So why share all this now? Well out of all the time in history, we could exist and of all the places in the world we are in the here and now and I would rather take a chance at something in the unknown and with someone I believe in rather than being asked one day how I lived my life only to say I don’t know, I passed through it once but was never really there. I want you to know it’s not my intention to make things awkward between the two of us or putting expectations out there by any means, I’m just thankful for the chance to know incredible individuals and to be able to say all this in the first place. You’re the 3D in a 2D world. Remember, you rock and deserve the world.”

Art is about creating reality and living in illusions that toys with the notions of what is and isn’t real. The best part about art is that it can be created, crafted to tell a story.

This is a work in progress and is too good not to share right as to share the work in progress.

At first I thought that this was going to be a simple drawing and yet it grew into something much more. The detail and size pushed me to my limits making me wonder if I was ever going to finish. There were times when I thought I would never finish. especially when it came to the top of the drawing with all the branches and all the snow. Little by little each day the piece started to come together. The great and worst thing that happens is when you complete a piece of art is that the finished piece is spectacular and articulates a lot of hard work. The other side to that argument is that your hard work and creativeness can bass by as kick as if someone were flipping though the pages of a magazine on some news stand.






This picture that I did of my friend inspired me to start working with color and see what I could come up with. I think that for the beginning stages, it came out pretty amazing. Creating skin tone is probably one of the hardest concepts I have ever dabbled in. Especially when working with large pictures, having enough paint to keep the same consistency is a task all its own.