One of the unique ideas was to make an on going piece of art work that stretched on making for an extremly long piece of art work stretching for about 12ft.

One of the unique ideas was to make an on going piece of art work that stretched on making for an extremly long piece of art work stretching for about 12ft.

This is again a piece comprised entirely of words that begins to explore other aspects, and begins to work with sort of a cubism, abstract motif. The idea behind this piece and Yuri 1 is that it begins a metamorphoses into something completely new and different yet still holding on to the central theme of words.

Life happens at such incredible speeds we are lucky to collect a handful of meaningful memories worth saving. We cannot always have our camera in focus before the fleeting moment has passed, and we as artists are left in awe of what we just marveled at? Regardless I am glad that I captured the moment to remind me how far I have come and who I was then compared to now you can also see pieces depicting Hunter S. Thompson, the Gonzo journalist, and Yuri Gagarin, the first man in spin the background is.

This depicts several of my other pieces done in similar fashion. Lenin, a slice of life, Hunter S Thompson and Fidel Castro.

One of my biggest and most in-depth pieces of art work regarding the use of words.

One of my biggest and most in-depth pieces of art work regarding the use of words.

The whole process from start to finish took almost a year to write as much detail as I did into the piece. In the end, I was very happy with the way the piece turned out.


A piece of art on some random utility box

The image caught me off guard on my way to school one day appearing out of nowhere. This inspired the negative version of the meaning within the meaning piece. Rather than use black ink for lettering I instead used white ink on black rag board


Meaning within meaning is an idea in the art world geared towards challenging people’s preconceived ideas regarding images, icons, and landscapes.

This piece depicts the iconic image of Yuri Gagarin done in ink comprised entirely of words. Yuri 1

This piece depicts the iconic image of Yuri Gagarin done in ink comprised entirely of words. Yuri 1


A study before beginning.

Often before I create the real piece of artwork, I do a quick study and work out many of the directions of where I want to take my piece of work.


Studies eventually became a whole set of artwork themselves.

This was beginning to understanding and working with color. I enjoy depicting images in this sort of form of expression. Though clearly there is an image in both, the image on the right begins to bluer away almost completely.



Art is about re-imagining ideas and senses of being about being able to see past everything else to see what’s there beyond society.

I saw an image similar to this depicting Che Guevara and thought how neat it would be to create it in my words. When I finished the size and the composition just isn’t want I wanted it to be. I went from a small 8.5” X 11” I went to making super-siz…

I saw an image similar to this depicting Che Guevara and thought how neat it would be to create it in my words. When I finished the size and the composition just isn’t want I wanted it to be. I went from a small 8.5” X 11” I went to making super-sized portraits of iconic images.

This was my interpretation of an already iconic image, and the first in this idea of artistic expression

This was my interpretation of an already iconic image, and the first in this idea of artistic expression


Days before I took my artistic
