Here you will find the My (Terry M. Rittenour’s) Artistic ideas and thoughts brought to life through the traditional artistic Medium.

Meaning within MeaningThe Movement and idea behind “Meaning Within Meaning” is one of looking past one’s own preconceived ideas and recognizable images to gain new insight, or form a new opinion that challenges previously held beliefs or reaffirms what you already know and believe to be true.

Meaning within Meaning

The Movement and idea behind “Meaning Within Meaning” is one of looking past one’s own preconceived ideas and recognizable images to gain new insight, or form a new opinion that challenges previously held beliefs or reaffirms what you already know and believe to be true.

Sketches drawings The ability to sketch and capture life on the fly by sketching drawing and creating life as it happens outside of photographs and video is a unique and awesome opportunity.

Sketches drawings

The ability to sketch and capture life on the fly by sketching drawing and creating life as it happens outside of photographs and video is a unique and awesome opportunity.

My Identity in spaceAs individuals we are only ever seen for who we are in the moment, not as the complex and in-depth people we are. The opportunity to express ourselves in our entirety, is limited leaving people to wonder if they ever really knew us to begin with. What would happen if someone was able to express all their various facets to their identity, and how would we know them then?

My Identity in space

As individuals we are only ever seen for who we are in the moment, not as the complex and in-depth people we are. The opportunity to express ourselves in our entirety, is limited leaving people to wonder if they ever really knew us to begin with. What would happen if someone was able to express all their various facets to their identity, and how would we know them then?

Into the Abstract The world of art allows you to reinvent the mundane, allowing you to see the world again as if for the first time. Art allows the charter of life to shine though what would otherwise would be missed.

Into the Abstract

The world of art allows you to reinvent the mundane, allowing you to see the world again as if for the first time. Art allows the charter of life to shine though what would otherwise would be missed.

The story of other amazing artists.Celebrating other artists in the world; together painting the story to the world.

The story of other amazing artists.

Celebrating other artists in the world; together painting the story to the world.

The natural world comes to life The natural world comes to life in the natural world and is highlighted by artists.  In a collaboration between artists the natural world is brought to life and showcased in unique and amazing ways to paint a one of a kind

The natural world comes to life

The natural world comes to life in the natural world and is highlighted by artists. In a collaboration between artists the natural world is brought to life and showcased in unique and amazing ways to paint a one of a kind

In a world where you can wear name brand and designer clothing be unique and be original and wear your own ideas, wear your own art

In a world where you can wear name brand and designer clothing be unique and be original and wear your own ideas, wear your own art


My art show 2024