My journey to Japan started with a stop in Vancouver Canada. I figured that going through Canada was the best choice. I thought to myself should I get lost or stuck, or have some problems I have some French to fall back on.

My journey to Japan started with a stop in Vancouver Canada. I figured that going through Canada was the best choice. I thought to myself should I get lost or stuck, or have some problems I have some French to fall back on.

Anyone staying for a moment in the Vancouver Airport, on the Canadian side is in for a treat. I was paradise when I found that there was a A&W that served breakfast. This was an amazing place for getting ready to take the next leg of the trip.

One of the hardest things is navigating through the airport especially if you have never been there before.  When I was there in 2018 I was completely overwhelmed with all the people.  Now, 2020 I can’t but help but wonder what the procedure will be…

One of the hardest things is navigating through the airport especially if you have never been there before. When I was there in 2018 I was completely overwhelmed with all the people. Now, 2020 I can’t but help but wonder what the procedure will be from here on out.

Getting out of the Narita Airport and into Tokyo was my first task. There was no turning around now. I always had the artificial feeling that I could always turn back up until I set foot on the ground of my host country. Anyone unfamiliar with the a…

Getting out of the Narita Airport and into Tokyo was my first task. There was no turning around now. I always had the artificial feeling that I could always turn back up until I set foot on my host country's ground. Anyone unfamiliar with the airport and how to navigate the labyrinth can quickly be caught off guard. I researched beforehand and opted for a portable Wi-Fi to get around, providing me no stop navigation.

The curve in learning how to use the prompters in the trains takes a minuet to get use to, especially when you have to make a connection in such a short amount of time. Luckily the help of native commuters helped me to get on to the right train and …

The curve in learning how to use the prompters in the trains takes a minute to get used to, especially when you have to make a connection in such a short amount of time. Luckily the help of native commuters helped me get on to the right train and on to my next stop.


You learn about traveling by adapting to the weather, adding or subtracting a few days to either end of your trip, and what to bring. I, however,r was not ready for y my first trip other than having my raincoat. My plan was the last plane allowed to land in Toko due to the passing storm.


The was a large storm that was moving up from the southern coast of Japan with the tail end still dropping water as I landing. I had no idea where I was, it was now dark, in a land where I had no way of communicating in the traditional sense. I had a terrible headache from being cramped in a plane for over 12 hours. I was ready to go home and call the whole thing off but that was off the table.

A victom of the unforgiving, and winds and rain of storm in Japan.

A victom of the unforgiving, and winds and rain of storm in Japan.

When your traveling locally you wake up in a place relatively familiary, but when waking on an island and walking out into one of the biggest cities in the world the feeling is utterly surreal.

When your traveling locally you wake up in a place relatively familiary, but when waking on an island and walking out into one of the biggest cities in the world the feeling is utterly surreal.


The process of learning what car was what and what was the closest exit you got on and off was always a task. The picture on my right was and is one of my favorite places in Akihabara. One thing you have to keep aware of especially when you get out of Tokyo is limited express trains. I got on one and missed my stop and ended up having to go back to the start in order to get the right stop.

The first stop on a long list of things to visit was the Tokyo Government building.  I wanted to see what I was getting myself into firsthand.  The observation platform has a gift shop and a cafe.  The view itself is free and provides a great start to the trip.  This was Tokyo the day after an epic storm that left me quite impressed.  Going from 7,200 ft in elevation to 20 ft above sea level with 90-degree weather and 70% humidity took some "getting used to"…

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The National Gardens are a sight to behold.  The garden area makes it possible to completely forget that you’re standing in the middle of the largest city in the world.  Other times, the city makes for quite the backdrop- a small oasis with the city within grasp.  Anime fans will recognize the landscape as inspiration material to the movie "Garden of Words."  I would have loved to have spent more time than I did, maybe with lunch and my sketchbook.  After the epic rainstorm, the gardens boasted awe-inspiring hues.  The National Garden didn't just host traditional gardens but also had areas dedicated to traditional English and French Gardens.  The gardens were worth getting lost in and helped in reconnecting with nature.  Later, I would find how important the garden's vast unoccupied areas were and how I might have taken such spaces for granted.

Many people had the same idea about tracking down some of the more notable locations from the blockbuster hit "Your Name."  To have the chance to feel as if I were standing in the middle of an anime was a surreal experience that played with my sense of reality. To see the places depicted so well in anime - the lines of reality were blurred. In reality, every photo snapped could have provided some context to some series, movie, or manga.



Tokyo Tower is the symbol of Tokyo, and a monument signifying the rebuilding of a city and a nation post-war.  It is truly a place to visit with its impressive view, and the amazing shops and exhibits located at its base. To some, Tokyo Tower is the heart of the city. A whole day can easily be spent taking in the breathtaking views spanning in all directions from both of the observation decks.


Tokyo Bay

Gundam, an original television series from the early '80s is still a common household name, not only in Japan but in many other parts of the world too.  As much as the Eiffel Tower and Arch de Triumph are iconic to France, the 1:1 Gundam, standing 65 feet in the air has its place as part of the Tokyo Bay skyline.  Along with the impressive Unicorn Gundam, Tokyo Bay holds some other incredible sights, such as the mega ferries wheel, the Statue of Liberty, and much more.


Tokyo Sky Tree

Seeing Tokyo at night was absolutely breathtaking. Even more spectacular was seeing a city that put the neon lights of Las Vegas to shame.  It’s hard to believe that aside from the tower itself, there is another mall, a food court and a market at its base.


New York Times Square -  meet Shibuya Station crossing!  To think there are probably more people here than there are in my whole state combined during rush hour...

The iconic Shibuya Station crossing.  I had no idea that there was a Starbucks with an amazing view.  The only thing about sitting there in the window during the day is that you seemingly cooked alive with the sun’s reflection.  This is an amazing p…

The iconic Shibuya Station crossing. I had no idea that there was a Starbucks with an amazing view. The only thing about sitting there in the window during the day is that you seemingly cooked alive with the sun’s reflection. This is an amazing place to visit at night.


Aside from conventional traffic bicycling is one of the more common methods of getting around even with people with small kids.

Aside from conventional traffic bicycling is one of the more common methods of getting around even with people with small kids.

Another favorite pastime of the Japanese people is playing games and gambling.  The other thing that is big in Japan is tobacco.  With a smoking age of 20, there is still a very large populous that smokes.  Seeing cigarette machines on the side of t…

Another favorite pastime of the Japanese people is playing games and gambling. The other thing that is big in Japan is tobacco. With a smoking age of 20, there is still a very large populous that smokes. Seeing cigarette machines on the side of the street was a unique experience.

These machines leave the West’s coin slotted toy machines to shame.  You can get everything and anything from these small machines.  For between 1$ and $5 you can start an amazing collection of various action figures and other such novel toys.

These machines leave the West’s coin slotted toy machines to shame. You can get everything and anything from these small machines. For between 1$ and $5 you can start an amazing collection of various action figures and other such novel toys.

Seeing Louis Vuitton and other high end fashion areas in and around Tokyo back to back for blocks on end really makes you rethink the mall and strip mall back home.  Tokyo truly is a place that has everything.

Seeing Louis Vuitton and other high end fashion areas in and around Tokyo back to back for blocks on end really makes you rethink the mall and strip mall back home. Tokyo truly is a place that has everything.

A matcha ice cream float, enjoyed while visiting Tokyo Tower. Tokyo had some of the best food I have ever experienced. Let alone the thrilling experience of trying new things.

A matcha ice cream float, enjoyed while visiting Tokyo Tower. Tokyo had some of the best food I have ever experienced. Let alone the thrilling experience of trying new things.

Traveling in Tokyo is often best done by foot. The amazing things one sees while walking can be overwhelming.

Traveling in Tokyo is often best done by foot. The amazing things one sees while walking can be overwhelming.


The amazing world of toys and collectables

Tokyo and Japan in general has some of the most amazing, complex and neat toys one could ever hope to imagine or build. For those who love action figures and build model ships and tanks, this is the place for you.


Ginza is a place next to the bay that is one of my top 3 favorite places in all of Tokyo.  After all, this was the first place and first impression I got of Tokyo and Japan.  Another thing I absolutely love is the rain.  With the rain falling I had …

Ginza is a place next to the bay that is one of my top 3 favorite places in all of Tokyo. After all, this was the first place and first impression I got of Tokyo and Japan. Another thing I absolutely love is the rain. With the rain falling I had the opportunity to snap a couple of random shots the last day I was there.


If you have ever watched anime especially the slice of life genera style anime the more you walk the streets of Japan every moment is as if you could frame it as if it were some sort of scene from your favorite anime.

If you have ever watched anime especially the slice of life genera style anime the more you walk the streets of Japan every moment is as if you could frame it as if it were some sort of scene from your favorite anime.


Electric town as it is also known, Akahbira is known for it’s close association with anime and all things anime.  The area of Tokyo also hosts some of the most amaing maid service cafes, model kits, along with probably the worlds largest collection …

Electric town as it is also known, Akahbira is known for it’s close association with anime and all things anime. The area of Tokyo also hosts some of the most amaing maid service cafes, model kits, along with probably the worlds largest collection of manga, anime.

Winning prizes out of a claw machine can be an amazing time and an amazing first or second date.  The only problem when visiting is getting the large stuffed creatures back home.

Winning prizes out of a claw machine can be an amazing time and an amazing first or second date. The only problem when visiting is getting the large stuffed creatures back home.

Akahbira or the core idea that embodies this area of the town stretches several blocks long and several blocks wide.

Akahbira or the core idea that embodies this area of the town stretches several blocks long and several blocks wide.
