Multiple dimensional individuals
As individuals, we are only ever seen as we at the moment, but as complex people, there are many different versions of ourselves each expressed and each uniquely captured. The deeper someone is, the deeper the ideas, the more complex we become as an individual. Experience the artistic expression of being multiple dimensional in a three-dimensional world
Overcoming obstacles in life
When it came to playing the music I wanted to, or covering a specific band I found playing all the instruments myself was much easier than playing something I didn’t want to.
The idea that people are only one dimensional is to over look the complexity and expression laid forth in varies pieces of art.
Often we only ever let people see the side that we manage to stand up and march out to meet a new day. Still, we as individuals seek to express ourselves on all levels, both complex and simple. We wish to be heard. Only when we have learned how to express ourselves in a single sense of being can we fill that feeling, that void of loneliness. The problem becomes apparent, though, that our surroundings also shape our identities.
Who are we ?
When I consider change I often think of the Theseus Paradox. Because humans grow cells reproduce and die and the body grows the body we are is not the body of later years. The only thing that changes us is the ideas we hold on to as values that we find worth preserving; it is that invisible force that controls our actions and governs our state of being.
Life itself is organic and constantly changing, and by holding onto arbitrary notions and ideas we as humans limit ourselves biased on our thoughts and our beliefs. Only when we start to comprehend the impossible do be begin to understand whats possible.
A Dream I had.
The mind is an amazing thing to tinker with, and after having worked on the project of multiple versions for a period of time, I had a dream where my worker version interrupted my personal life. The ability to frame your reality with yourself as part of a reality of another aspect gives insight beyond the obvious framed reality.
You are never the same person twice.
All things change in a dynamic environment; your efforts to remain what you are is what limits your” Puppet Master Ghost in the Shell