The epic adventure to Japan 4.0 begins with my might and trusted Max Box Suitcase. First stop Denver and then on to Vancouver.
D.I.A. at 4:00 am in the morning is a magical place. There isn’t just no one at the gates but there is no one going though security. The downfall was finding me some morning coffee.
I was lucky to find a machine that was able to make me some coffee at 4:00 in the morning.
Me excited to begin this journey back to Japan. 4:00 am at Denver international airport. I had to buy a new hoodie because I remembered how cold it got on the plane.
Six years since I had been back to Vancover airport. Stopping here is always a treat especially with an A&W that serves breakfast.
Love checking out their aquarium. Who doesn’t like a fish TV
not to mention their indoor atrium boasting the out doors inside.
the ambience here is certainly amazing and a vibe all it’s own
Just chilling until my next flight
Next Stop Tokyo
And though these doors a new world awaits.
Who doesn’t love popping up in a new world.
First order of business get Wi-Fi. or as I like to call it get the mother box.
South wing Arrivals
Awe Narita How I love you.
Now to catch the Sky Train into town.
Our first Starbucks stop
Now to buy tickets to get into town.
I love the ride into town because you get to see this amazing life happening before actually dropping into the happening of the madness.
I love Japan for these, every where you go you can find them. its crazy to think that you spend between $2 and $10 on them.
Finally I was home. Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. The worlds busiest cross walk.
We pushed the arrival night to its full potential and made an adventure to Shibuya Sky. After a long day of travel, we got into town and are now at our first major attraction. The adventure team was fueled by excitement and caffeine, ready to take on the world.
Spite the top deck being closed due to the rain, the attraction still did not disappoint nor could I be upset as I wanted to experience the city in a cyber punk noir style happening.
I remember standing across the intersection looking up back in march knowing I was home and home again I was.
March 11, 2023 Japan 3.0
Even with the rain I absolutely love how these pictures turned out. That’s the thing with rain is that it washes the city and brings out it’s hues and vibrant colors. Plus with all the rain reflecting the neon and vibrant colors it makes for a whirl wind of color, and emotions.
You can see our hotel area from here and the amazing outdoor indoor park
In the many windows many different happenings. A life that never stops.
Rainy days in Tokyo
Life can be overwhelming if you let it be.
Its amazing how much the difference is between day and night.
Shopping all day all night. I love staying in the middle of town. Like NYC, LA, Istanbul, and so much more.
Love that there is Family Mart everywhere you go. Not to mention the lights, and the constant happenings.
Sex sells
First stop for me after parting from the team for the evening. Could not wait to meet the Famous YouTuber Chris Broads new bar.
Behind this amazing machine was a world of fun and excitement
My new friends gave incredible recommendations for after-parties and happenings. Everyone had an amazing time. Even though I didn’t get to meet the mastermind behind Aborad in Japan, I did walk away with making many new and amazing friends.
This was the conclusion of the first night in Tokyo.
The rain had finally stopped and it was turning out to be a beautiful evening.
After going out, and staying out until the early hours of the morning I was surprised to find myself up early and hitting the town long before I had made plans to meet up with my friends. I got up so early that I even had time to do laundry. They key to traveling and living out of a bag is to stay ahead of the game.
Seeing the sights at 5:00 am in the morning. First on the scene and the amazing happenings.
Rather a different city when it has yet come to life. Love how the sun hits the buildings and the city is mine.
Nothing made me happier then getting to see the sun rise with it’s iconic hues and brilliance
For the past couple of years they have been working and building here. I wonder what it will all look like when they are finally done.
I always found this to be a really cool mall in downtown Shibuya
It's vastly different than in the evening and at night. They even turn off the big TVs. The city does sleep while a whole other group of people come out and take the city. You might think there was an evacuation considering that in the evening its wall to wall people.
I would describe this as the time square of Tokyo.
Paid a visit to the most loyal dog in the world.
Crazy to think that at night this is nothing but wall to wall people.
Some times you meet people and wonder, how long have they been out, are they still out and will they ever go to sleep.
The daily grind. Life happening like a heartbeat
The depth and character that the fronts of buildings have and then suddenly you turn the corner and nothing.
To me this place never gets old, taking pictures, visiting, and spending time here is always overwhelming and magical.
It was great to see Starbucks back and in its full revamp.
Love seeing places like this, especially when you are in the super city.
I took full advantage of running around in the morning as if the city was my own.
Again the vast sea of nothingness and yet everything.
i will always have fond memories of this spot. When I was in Tokyo in 2023 I watched a photo shoot happen here.
John Denver playing in my head.
love the way how the sun is coming though the city and shining on the buildings
There is so many vending machines, love that where ever I go they are ready available
People are finally starting to wake up.
Love life in Tokyo. And to think that at night there is a line to get your picture taken.
So much happening in every direction
Anyone who knows me knows just how much I love Tokyo Japan, and drinking coffee. On to Coffee.
I was incredibly sad when they closed the Starbucks fearing that it was closed for good. You can imagine my joy when I found out that they had reopened in April just in time for my visit once again. I liked what they did with the place and what they did with the various floors, and glad to see that Tsutaya didn’t lose it’s spot. The Cult of Starbucks is a thing in Japan, especially in Tokyo. With famous one, and ones not so famous. Starbucks can be found virtually on every corner and and in every town. I know that my friends were skeptical of going but after enjoying the magic they were quickly hooked by the magic.
you could say its the stairway to heaven
So hip and so modern, an assembly line of progress.
Really They have thought of everything.
Merchandise and consumerism of Starbucks
Everything in it’s proper place. So colorful and so Starbucks
I love all the amazing decorative cups
You can almost imagine yourself in an artistic museum
Starbucks merchandise for every city of every prefecture
Cheeky modern
Starbucks of Shibuya. I think they made good use of the space, compared to what it use to be.
I found this to be intersting, the fact that most only sever tall, and that many only take card, or some form of IC card.
A starbucks on the way to Statrbucks. Coffee and Starbucks what more could you ask for.
Onwards to the next Starbucks along the beautiful canal
The religion of Starbucks continues
Yummy foods and delicious croissants
I got to sit at my favorite place with my favorite quote. Always an inspiring happening for me and a wonderful moment to reflect.
The hustle and bustle of the grind of the Coffee shop
One of the few places where I have no problem spending money
So much cool merch. I ended up with a cup of cool mug. that I happily sip from every morning.
When the people at Starbucks want to be a part of the adventure team
Love this, this was on our walk by the river near Starbucks.
Love this station. I always find it to be interesting. As many people get off they hurry over to the other side of the tracks to get on the next train to go the rest of the distance.
So quite so peaceful. Love how you can just enjoy the ride for what it is. Not always is it like this and some times you even find a seat. Other times getting on the metro is like packing a sardine can and then packing it again.
After breakfast, the journey of the day began, getting to visit Tokyo Tower and experience that magic. On our first day, we had to go and get our Bullet train tickets, but other than that, it was to be a fun day of sightseeing with Tokyo Tower at the top of the list.
What an amazing concept stacking cars and small trucks on top of one another. When I think of all the innovative things that are possible I think of how far we could advance ourselves.
Liquor isn’t just a past time it’s a full time gig in Japan.
There is some truly amazing architecture to be found in the various neighborhoods in Tokyo.
Tokyo Tower is just awe-inspiring and inspirational. Built shortly after WWII as a symbol of rebuilding and growth, the tower is quite a unique sight. We weren’t able to go all the way to the top, and that was alright. The view we did get was pretty amazing all on its own.
Off in the distance you can see Tokyo Sky Tree, were we would be visiting the following day.
One of the amazing view from Tokyo Tower
Not for the faint of heart, especially for people who are not a fan of heights.
After Tokyo Tower we were on our way to visit Tokyo Station to get out tickets for the Bullet train.
One of these times I am staying here in the hotel. Bucket list item for sure.
I made it back.
The madness is just beyond those gates.
The longest line I stood in was waiting to get the train tickets.
This streamlined the process for me. This was exactly when where how many and what I hoped to get seating wise.
September 2024 The thing I love about this picture is that I found it on my own randomly walking from Tokyo station to Akhibira. I guess that for train lovers there is a special time when all the trains come out at once and can be captured. I was just happy to see it. There is something to be said when you see these pictures later in magazines and on social knowing I was there myself.
March 2023
We stoped at this amazing place for lunch, the special was eel.
Truly an amazing dish and an amazing amount of food for the price point.
I have always considered coming into Akhihabara this was as coming in the back way, from Tokyo station.
Day 2
The Days covered many different and unique sights and experiences. Ueno Park, Restaurant World, Kemono Shoes, Sky Tree, Pokeymon Center, Ginza Six and the Fish Aquarium, Shinjuku, and Harajuku before calling it a day. Looking at it on a map, you realize how impressive this journey was. Consider that it was well over 100 degrees with the humidity leaving us melted. Accomplishing this meant that I got to cross off two top list items my friends wanted to do. I myself got to visit some places I loved once again and experience places I didn’t know existed.
I have goals of going here and having my picture taken like I did when I was in France. Ill never forget coming arcrors them like I did when I was here the first time.
Another cool sight, getting to see a whale out of the water.
This happened to be a small gift to me. I had seen people post about this spot on social media. The ability to find some of these places is difficult if not almost impossible. I wish I had, had more time to explore but we were already on a mission. That’s one of the reasons I have to keep coming back.
This also happened to be a place that I wanted to visit. Because we headed out so early and went to things as they opened we weren’t able to enjoy them to their fullest. Still, we did have an amazing time and made the best of where ever we went.
I absolutly love understanding the idea of living and culture on the East side of town. I always find it interesting the clothing and other house hold items hanging from the balcony.
I love the juxtaposition of apartment complex to next complex
Having been to istan bull I find the jungle of wires to be a feat and interesting sight all it’s own.
I absolutely love this picture. If Godzilla was depicted looming over the city, I think Tokyo looms over Tokyo it’s self.
The amazing world of Japan and it’s largest tower. Me and the team found our self in a new part of town at the advice of Belgium Guy. What we came to find was restaurant world.
The shear amount of cooking equipment leaves anyone with a passion for cooking in a dream world
For someone who loves coffee and cooking I was in heaven. I just needed a fortune is all.
I wasn’t going to buy a random knife especially at the price tag that some of them went for. I originally had my eye on the tall one on the very left hand but opted for the one next to it with the blue handle. I figured with such a knife there would so many things that I could do with it, so many dishes I could make. I ended up coming back and buying it Now to follow though with what I said and make some amazing dishes with it now.
This is one of the coolest cooking stores I had ever seen especially for someone who bakes and makes cookies. There was seriously 5 flights of nothing but cookie cutters as you spiraled your way up.
On to find a certain pair of shoes and then onto Sky Tower.
Talk about some truly beautiful and incredible looking shoes. My friend found them on instagram and just had to have a pair. I admit they were pretty awesome, just not my cup of tea.
So many custom looks, they compeated with any other name brand or designer pair.
I loved the pink ones and the yellow ones.
Tokyo Sky tree is impressive and even more so when your standing right next to it. One random and funny thing I always think about is when your on the observation deck and have to go to the bathroom. lol
The view of the city just goes on seemingly for ever.
This is cool because this was built in 1966 and represents the the idea in art knosn as Metabolist architectural. Probably one of the last great examples of that movement, and that time. The building is a stunning piece of art by the architect Kenzo Tange
With luck not on our side, the place I wanted to eat was closed and would not be open for several more hours, so we played deal’s choice and ended up going to the first place that was open. We were not disappointed. Our first stop was a fantastic little pub-like restaurant, so we were in for a treat.
One of my favorite neighborhoods this was where I staid the first time I came to Japan in 2018. You will find many high end shops and also some really awesome places with rare and unique plus affordable finds.
The buildings also give the city great depth and character to a vibrant and rich part of Tokyo.
There is no shortage of unique and impressive buildings here.