I was incredibly fortunate to be able to see the showing of two incredibly talented artists, Gabrielle Reeves and Emily Varlet. Emily taught me to consider the narrative of Medusa and how she came to be the lady with snake hair with a gaze that could turn anyone to stone with her glance. I guess I didn’t realize that she was a beautiful women who was tempted by God Posiden and then punished by Athena , only to be killed by decapitation at the hands of Percises. The one quote that stands out to me by Emily was “The theme of punishment for female sexuality and making it monstrous dangerous and the unfairness and have lived on in our common psyche.” Rather then have her portrayed as a monster Emily by as a women with defient eyes asking others to consider not as the snake monster but was someone who acted on desire and was punished.
I for one only knew of Medusa the the pop-cult TV Jason And the Argonauts but never stopped to think of how she ended up there in the first place. The message of reconsidering the Medusa really struck a cord, let alone the idea of acting on passion and being punished for it.
Taking the artistic lesson a bit further I was found the history of Angitia to be fascinating as well. The notion that she dispels the ideas of snakes emobiding the ideas of implementation and evil and being associated with women. Emily had used Gabrielle as a the model for the model Angitia after seeing her holding exhibiting a fearless serenity and a sense a contended confidence and wonder. Emily went on to express the idea of how the image of Gabrielle rejected the typical steryo type held for women and its embodiment of confidence and calm strength.
Outside the methoholody Emily talks about Eve and asks us to consider us to reconsider the narative of Eve, arguing that Eve was the original rebel. A women driven by curiosity and acting on her own accord and diobident in the persuite of higher knowledge and didn’t blindly accept the status quo. Again this is something that I hadn’t considered but now that I have I can honestly say that I see the world in a different way, epecially orginized religion.
I really liked the ideas the Emily put forth. “Eve chose wisdom and action instead of blissful ignorance as a result of this she was punished and made subservent to man and an attempt to rain in her independence and subversive instinct”I tried to show her as a reflective person who makes a choice for wisdom, she relishes in the choice and whole heartedly participates. Finally she extend the choise to others who may choose to take it or not.
There are few people who have inspired me more then Gabby to be a better artist and to push my own talents as far as they will go. After leaving the show I thought to myself how much I want to have a show with her showcasing the different worlds we live in and bring to life my own fascinating idea when it comes to art.