Château De Chantilly, is a breathtaking place on it’s own, but with the famous stables located near by Château De Chantilly makes for an amazing stop any time of the year.
Château De Chantilly taken in spring March 2013
A rare opportunity on a rare day to see snow.
A late reminder of winter Château de Chantilly was left to a few who were brave enough to adventure out and enjoy some of the famous hot chocolate that’s served.
Just as impressive as Château De Chantilly are the Great stables.
In many ways in my own imagination I couldn’t help but think of Winter time In Wonderland.
The scenery was surreal, with no one around and with the quietness and peacefulness of the forest losing trace of where you were was all too real.
Just some of the amazing pieces of art work on display at Château de Chantilly. Not only does the Château have an amazing collection of art but also boasts an amazing library worth seeing for any book enthusiast.
The attention to ornate detail.
Not taking time to take in the full scope of each room was a mistake. Each room offered art history, and history often of another time.
When in France Rome is never far away.
Seeing the world for yourself is by far more rewarding then having someone else tell you about it.
Château De Chantilly stole my heart.