Paris is a super city of events and sights to be seen and experienced. A life time can be spent and still only a fraction of the city can be seen, Paris has something for everyone.
Paris is noted for many of its awe inspiring sights and experiences. Notre Dame de Paris.
Paris across from Notre-Dame showing off the Seine river.
Just a day in the life for some, others a trip of a lifetime.
A city of love
I am glad I got my chance to see the locks at Pont des Arts bridge
Reminds me of a Jack Kerouac poem.
A city full of life
Having come from a town of 60,000 people it was a dream come true visiting my first world capitol.
Musée de Cluny
I was in awe by the preservation of a building and items from the 13th and 14th century with other exhibits dating back even further.
You don’t have to go fare to find history
Experiencing Paris was not only rewarding but a humbling experience to know modern day society on side of the street and your history on the other. There is never any question for the people of Paris France where they are from and who they are.
Cultural shock is and was an understatment
Someone who was use to seeing as far as they could see on the prairie. I learned what it is to be in the heart of a city.
There are many treasures to be hold in the Musée de Cluny. Easily a day can be spent touring thorough the exhibits. Even in these few pictures it doesn’t nearly come close to projecting the beauty and history. For artists doing life drawings a treasure trove of wonderful exhibits
“The lady and the unicorn” tapestries was a feat to be held especially when it’s age is considered. The size and complexity of the banner is truly a piece of history that all viewer are fortunate to see. With relicks dating back to the Roman Empire it’s interesting to see the ancient world still standing in modern times.