
Kyoto is a city that bridges the Edo period with modern times. Once the capitol of Japan, Kyoto is a world where seemingly time is forgotten and tradition still means something. A stark contrast from Tokyo, the city of Kyoto is divided between two worlds, and two times. If not for the modernization of some areas and in many aspects an individual could forget all together when and where they are. People watching took on new meaning and took some getting use to as I was accustomed to seeing modern western style clothing. I was awe struck buy all the vibrant colors and styles of Kimonos for men, women and children.


Imideitly upon arriving in Kyoto I fell in love with the city. Viberant and teaming with life, shops and various happenings I never felt more at home then I did while in the city. Three days vising the city would most diffienly not be enough I though as I got to the capsule hotel. I wondered what sort of magic awaited me and what I would find on this next phase of my journey. On my list of things to do I, at the top was the Tori gates, and the bamboo forest. My first day was always a half day dedicated to travel and figuring out how to get from one place to another. With no plans I decided to spend my time exploring the city.

I love shopping and the area in the down town area, only a stones throw from my capsule hotel I was truly in a truly happy and amazing place. Japan was a country where you could buy and find anything and Kyoto was no exception. One could find nice l…

I love shopping and the area in the down town area, only a stones throw from my capsule hotel I was truly in a truly happy and amazing place. Japan was a country where you could buy and find anything and Kyoto was no exception. One could find nice leather hand bags from England to a place where you could pay a small amount to play with otters.

How on earth could I possibly say no to an evening date with otters.

How on earth could I possibly say no to an evening date with otters.

Being afforded the opportunity to spend time with otters, Kyoto, Japan really was a place where you could enjoy the magic of having an amazing time with something as unique as their animal cafes. Cute already, it was quite something seeing them happ…

Being afforded the opportunity to spend time with otters, Kyoto, Japan really was a place where you could enjoy the magic of having an amazing time with something as unique as their animal cafes. Cute already, it was quite something seeing them happy and well taken care of, enjoying snacks sleeping playing with toys and enjoying their lavish swimming pool.

The old part of Kyoto butts up against the new part of town seemingly separated by a river. A short journey form where I was staying first on my list was the iconic Starbucks. As I made my way to the cafe the trip quickly got caught up in the atmosphere of the city. My rout was quickly abandoned for the many things to see along the way. For me everything was breathtaking and awe inspiring. Seeing the city during the rainy season made me want to witness the city during the spring or fall. The rainy season held a beauty all it’s own especially considering the fact that rainy days always held a special place in my life. I wasn’t use to experiencing calm rainy days where I could go out and still enjoy the day while having only an umbrella. I was accoustomed to having days of rain that monstrous winds leaving no one wanting to be outside.


Just a day in the life of Kyoto


With every turn around every corner there is seemingly a photo opportunity waiting to happen. There are no words to express my joy in expressing my love for the ambience and the tradition that combine to make for a unique and one of a kind experience. Having visited places like L.A. on impressive feat that still to this day boggles my mind is the cleanliness of the city and the surrounding areas. Trash cans and trash do not detract from the city and beauty found. On several occasions I had to ask where the garbage cans were located. One thing you will find, or lack there of are places in which you can dispose of your trash.

Regardless of where I am going my pilgrimages always take me to the local Starbucks. This Starbucks photographed above is unique in that it is located in the older part of town and more traditional. That is to say if there was such a things as a Sta…

Regardless of where I am going my pilgrimages always take me to the local Starbucks. This Starbucks photographed above is unique in that it is located in the older part of town and more traditional. That is to say if there was such a things as a Starbucks during the Edo period. At first trying to find the cafe caused me to turn, and turn around some more as it so elegantly blended in with the surroundings, the iconic smell is what eventually led me to to find it.

Starbucks always has a special treat for me in the uniqueness and warming atmospheres that I find, and Kyoto’s famous Edo Style was no expectation.

Starbucks always has a special treat for me in the uniqueness and warming atmospheres that I find, and Kyoto’s famous Edo Style was no expectation.

I couldn’t help but feel out of place in both space and time let alone my own right, but my heart felt right at home.

I couldn’t help but feel out of place in both space and time let alone my own right, but my heart felt right at home.

The idea that a coffee chain has transcend a small Seattle chain to become globally domaniate was probable unimaginable in it’s efficiency but was no doubt the dream that made the reality possible. With such a short trip to Japan my second time around and only three cities to be explored. The list of Starbucks for Japan 3.0 was already growing in the back of my mind.

What a better way then to spend a rainy day then to enjoy a nice cup of coffee.

What a better way then to spend a rainy day then to enjoy a nice cup of coffee.

With the turn of a corner there before me was one of Kyoto’s famous landmarks.

With the turn of a corner there before me was one of Kyoto’s famous landmarks.


Kyoto’s Tori Gates

The Bamboo forest is impressive and beautiful. Towering high above everyone the old saying “You can’t see the trees through the forest” comes to mind.

The Bamboo forest is impressive and beautiful. Towering high above everyone the old saying “You can’t see the trees through the forest” comes to mind.

The famed bamboo forest is an experience I wasn’t expecting in the slightest. Coming from the mountains of the Rocky Mountain chain I never felt more in the forest then I did here. The old saying came to mind, it’s hard to see the trees through the …

The famed bamboo forest is an experience I wasn’t expecting in the slightest. Coming from the mountains of the Rocky Mountain chain I never felt more in the forest then I did here. The old saying came to mind, it’s hard to see the trees through the forest. If the picture your seeking is one void of people, the serine feeling of being of being alone with the forest you have to wake early before the rest of the world has even thought about going out on adventure. An adventure later in the day and your commit yourself to a beautiful experience but one filled with a multitude of people.


The height to which the forest towers is impressive all in it’s own, but the true beauty of the forest is that it’s not the only main attraction. There are many other areas that are just as amazing to be had, the monkey park, the boat rides, and the rickshaw tours through various parts of the forest. The part of Kyoto that butts up to these surroundings areas if also filled with novel places to souvenir shop and delicious places to eat.

Going down the trail that winded through the country side was like stepping out of reality and into a fairy tail of sorts. I thought to my self the next trip I come to visit I will have to visit early in the morning.

Going down the trail that winded through the country side was like stepping out of reality and into a fairy tail of sorts. I thought to my self the next trip I come to visit I will have to visit early in the morning.

Frozen beer and Octopus dumplings on a hot day was a true treat. A fan of beer there was few things that I had tasted before that even came close to the special treat of a frozen pineapple drink. The foam on top the beverage was like eating ice crea…

Frozen beer and Octopus dumplings on a hot day was a true treat. A fan of beer there was few things that I had tasted before that even came close to the special treat of a frozen pineapple drink. The foam on top the beverage was like eating ice cream, and the beverage was like drinking from a pineapple it’s elf. As for the dumplings, I was skeptical at first but thought if I stayed any longer I would be a dumpling myself.

Walking through the gates of Kyoto and up the mountain all of a sudden we are greeted by a beautiful body of water seeming lost in time.

Walking through the gates of Kyoto and up the mountain all of a sudden we are greeted by a beautiful body of water seeming lost in time.

When your booking a trip somewhere a good rule of thumb is to always check to see if there are any festivals going on in the area or anything else to be aware of. I had booked my stay in Kyoto at the beginning of one of their many festivals and foun…

When your booking a trip somewhere a good rule of thumb is to always check to see if there are any festivals going on in the area or anything else to be aware of. I had booked my stay in Kyoto at the beginning of one of their many festivals and found myself in the midst of it’s happening. The city closed down several of the major streets, allowing the people to travel and enjoy the area freely.

Japan is always know for it’s crowds, but during the times of festivals and elections among other events the crowds are even greater then before but there are times when someone could think that something happened. Wake up early enough in the morning and adventure out and you would think you are a lone survivor with few others.

My time at an end I was left reeling in the magic that I had found in a city that stole my heart, something that I didn’t think any other city could do other then Tokyo. I left my love behind promising I would return in the spring to see it in full …

My time at an end I was left reeling in the magic that I had found in a city that stole my heart, something that I didn’t think any other city could do other then Tokyo. I left my love behind promising I would return in the spring to see it in full bloom.