You are never the same after seeing the world and meeting its wonderful people

Traveling and being part of the adventure is like the glue that binds everything, the element that brings depth and vibrant meaning to everything. Only when you experience the world through another’s footsteps or another lens and gain perspective do we realize how similar we are and how small the world really is.

Coming in 2025

October: Japan 5.0 and December: Austria

Japan 4.0: Back to Tokyo and Kyoto with a stop in Osaka from September 17th to September 29th, 2024.

This Journey is to put everything I have done and experienced before and push every day to its limit. The importance behind traveling is not missing out on life. I am thankful for everything I have seen and experienced that no longer exists in Japan.

September 18 2024. If I had known that it was going to be as nice as it was in October I would gone for my birthday. If I had then I would have missed out on all the magic that I found along the way.

Back to Japan: March 2023

The Preparation, The Planning, The Return:

Japan 2023

Almost four years in the making, three too many

First night back in Tokyo: Shibuya March 11, 2023. After almost four years waiting I could hardly wait to be back even if it was for only a week.


Istanbul 2019

For my birthday, I decided to travel to a place where the East meets the West, Istanbul. Inspired by a friend who painted a vibrant and detailed picture of an awe-inspiring place, it was my turn to experience Istanbul first hand for myself.


Japan: Byond Tokyo 2019

Not just Tokyo, but also Kyoto and Hiroshima


Anime expo 2019

I wanted to capture the magic I did the first time and make even more memorable times.


Tokyo 2018

Tokyo, Japan, is the world's largest city boasting some 39 million people. Tokyo is also home to a populous proud to be Japanese, sporting a rich cultural identity. Find out more about my trip to Tokyo and some of the amazing things I found.

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Anime expo 2018

Anime Exp 2018 was the first step into total immersion into something more than just a passion. This was also the first step in the beginning of my travels. A chance in life that I jumped on and keep running with to this day.


France 2013

Paris, the city of love, museums second to none, amazing bakeries, and a deep love of country- the French have a defining history that leaves an impact on all who declare J'suis France and anyone who has visited. Paris, the city where you can’t turn around without gazing into the past, going as far back as the Roman Empire. For the historian, lover of food, and the artist, Paris is a home away from home.


Wyoming landscapes

Wyoming Landscapes. The unique beauty of the various seasons offered up in the great cowboy state of Wyoming.


Traveling the U.S.A.

I was fortunate enough to travel with the oil field all over the united states, allowing me to see many amazing things and places. This picture depicts one of the many remote nowhere places in the middle of nowhere Texas



I have stayed in a casual hotel to some of the finest places I can imagine including a few airport hotels, this is that story.