The Natural world isn’t often highlighted and given it’s just dues expects in landscapes most often caught with the use of a camera of some sort. This technique takes burrows of wood that are cut into blocks and then dyed in various colors. The virus that effects the wood only reacts to certain colors, or more appropriately only absorbs certain colors. The wood is placed in sveral different colors giving each peace it’s own unique feel and and depth. The pieces of wood to me are so beautiful and amazing I take photographs of the wood and the mirror them onto themselves which allows for pictures to from from the imagination of viewers. In reality this is a set of art word done by two three artists Nature, the artist that went through the process of cutting and dying the wood and then myself the photographer. The actual pieces of wood have been used in Knife handles, gun handles and many other hobbies. I gave several pieces of wood to a friend of mine who is an artist. I thought that she could use them as canvasses.

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These pictures are the art work of Gabriella Reeves and are used for educational purposes. One artists dreams is to see what other people make out of their art work. I was happy to help make that artists dream of having his art reach as far as Turkey. These pictures depict art in the process of being made in the studio, and at the show that was sponsored by South Dakota Arts Council Rapid City Arts Council that ran from 11.22.20 through 03.06.21. I look forward to getting some more panels of incredible creative natural works of art to this amazing and talented artist as to see what comes next

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