Not speaking Japanese was no problem in getting around in Tokyo at least. I communicated a lot of my ideas through taking a picture and attempting to explain myself from there. The old saying is true, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I loved the fact that virtually every establishment had a menu in their window of all the delicious thing that one could have. Again for someone who spoke no Japaneses it was very useful to be able to take pictures and point.

I was surprised at just how many amazing meals the 7-11’s had to offer compared to what I have been used to finding in Wyoming and Texas of all places. Not only the the meals but the verity that one had to choose from was also a surreal experience. With multiple flavors of water, soda and other novelty drinks I regretted having to leave this oasis of convince.

I was amazed to not only see food trucks but a McDonald’s that delievered, thats how I knew I was in paridise. I was, however to see the amount of food trucks that i did. Though I shouldn’t be surprised, Tokyo has everything.

And of course there were the American classics.



I was blown away by the commitment and depth of recycling that takes part in Tokyo.


A beer?

Yes, in the many of the places that you go you can also enjoy a beer.

The biggest regret that I have going to Japan was not being able to read the language.

Anyone who knows me knows just how much I love Starbucks. At Starbucks I always feel at home and safe from the world when I need a moment to catch my breath.

Anyone who knows me knows just how much I love Starbucks. At Starbucks I always feel at home and safe from the world when I need a moment to catch my breath.
