Tokyo 3.0 put off until 2021

With only 67 days left until my next trip to Japan I ended up canceling my trip entirely the second day of the new year. This decision didn’t come lightly and was difficult to carry though with. I knew it was for the best for several reasons. With the desire to make the next ten years something more then I could ever imagine 2020 was to be a rebuilding year. I had already accomplished one major accomplishment having traveled to Japan in 2019 before the 2020 Olympics. A fan of the 1988 movie “Akira” that was set in the year 2019 I couldn’t help but live out a life long dream much like the fans of movie “Back to the Future II”

Packing five major trips into two years I wasn’t planning my trips as much as I could have been. Instead of putting any real thought I was simply picking places and going with the flow of things. There was nothing wrong with simply wondering through life until I got tired of acting like a background character to my own story. With over a year to plan Japan 3.0 I intend it to not only be a Japan trip but also plan to make it to China and Korea as well. More importantly I hope to learn at least an elementary understanding of the language so that this time around I might make new friends, gain new understanding and learn new perspectives. The first two times has left me with a list of questions a mile long.

This time I was suppose to vist once again my beloved Tokyo, and Kyoto, but also Toyama, Nagasaki, Okayama, Kobe, and Osaka. I wish to add to this list Nara, Nogoya. Spite having visted twice already I still need to make it to Mt. Fuji, and to several musemes and artist gallaries depicting some of Japans most famous and iconic works of art.

I know that one thing I would love to see in China is the Tokyo Reserve, but when it comes to Korea I have no idea.