I have this friend that is a health nut in the most positive way possible. Every day she is up before the sun and out in her studio meeting her daily goals. My friend is there every step of the way with her team, supporting and encouraging them. From time to time, my friend opens up and admits that she's not perfect, that she gets down, has her off days. Talk about a genuinely humble and sincere individual. She pushes herself to the limits for herself and her team, but she also sets a fantastic and excellent example for her family and friends who know her. To me, she is one of my heroes. I admire her hard work and her effort giving everything she puts her mind to 100%. I have the goal of being afforded to work out with her someday and perform some of my signature workouts; more than that, I hope to share in person the elementary goal of achieving a particular dance that would showcase all my hard work and accomplishments.
I attend the gym regularly and work out. I also live a modest life, not taking chances like snowboarding or skiing. I try not to do things that are out of the norm of my abilities as I need my body to work to go to work and collect a paycheck. However, living a safe life doesn't mean not going to get hurt. I woke up the other morning with a stiff neck after sleeping wrong. To make things worse, I had changed up my routine while swimming. As if to add insult to injury, I went to my friends' house, an avid knife maker and thrower. We talked about some of the dynamics and mechanics that go into throwing in various styles.
He found my throw unique because I flung the knife as if coming from an upward swing. I mentioned that I threw in the manner that I did because it hurt my shoulder far less. Side note, I injured both shoulders badly when I was in the oil field. The old saying about the oil field is right, "It's a young man's game."
The next morning I was in severe pain. Everything added to a major twist in my back that caused my neck, shoulder, and back to hurt. I did some research regarding my back and shoulder but didn't find any reassuring information. Monday, a week later, I broke down and went to the doctor. The Doc didn't have to tell me that I was tense; I could already feel it. To help with the muscle pain and to relax it, the doctor prescribed two medications. Several days since I went to the Doc I still have pain and aches in the areas relating to my back and neck.
As for doing anything lately, it's been miserable. Either I am too tired from not sleeping, or my back hurts and prevents me from moving. Sure being laid up is frustrating, but it's also a moment in which I can reflect. The first thing that comes to mind is, "A willow branch doesn't break in the wind but sways." This experience has told me to slow down and focus on the core elements and build from there, namely stretching.
I admit I have taken my body for granted expecting it to work, sort of like how I wish my car to start and go every time, even in the negative temperatures of winter. Even in winter, I start my car and let it idle for a minute allowing for the engine and critical components to work correctly. We take for granted that we forget that our head weighs the same as a gallon of water; that the muscles I mentioned are what keeps it stable and stabilizes as we move and operate.
I can remember another time when I overworked my back muscles to the point that they ended up pinching nerves in my back, resulting in me losing complete control of my legs and my ability to walk. It took weeks before I could walk again without any noticeable pain.
For not, I am taking things slowly as I recover and heal. In the meantime, I am focusing on stretching, eating right, and planning my grand comeback to the gym. Only this time, I will be approaching the idea of working out very differently. I am not in a race with anyone, only on a journey of wellness and happiness.
I would say to my friend this: as hard as you go, make sure to always talk about the next stage of training and iron out the dynamics and groups of muscles that the body requires to accomplish new goals. Time and time again, I have seen people work out and stay healthy randomly suffer from what I have been talking about all because they allowed the simple details to escape them.
Please stay safe and stay healthy, my friends.