Morning inspirational thoughts

Writing has always been my go to prompt when it comes to expressing myself. In high-school I had a steamer trunk full of journals documenting my daily life and my daily thoughts in chronological order. These journals followed my highs and my lows, along with my journey at university. And although the process of writing is great I don’t feel that it’s everything as it lacks. When I write something truly inspirational, truly thought provoking there are few who want to take the time to read what I have taken the time to write about.

Although I knew about Casey Neistat from YouTube it was only recently that I was inspired by him and his amazing channel that pushed me over the edge to go full forward into start making videos and begin the process of telling what I consider my greatest story ever. The story of living, the story of life and finding that one thing in life that make you whole.

Maybe that one thing isn’t really a thing but a feeling, an experience. knowing that your part of the vibrant life happening in and around you, that you are a part of everything and all things both big and small. Because of people like Casey, and a few other youtubers along with a few who truly believe in me my october trip of next year is to be the biggest and best trip pushing every chance I get to take full advantage of life and everything it has to offer.

In the mean time I have to do what I have to in order to get ready to take full advantage of. I know my self different becuase I think of my self as being different. I see myself knowing and the very essence of the dreams I have dreamed.

This weekend I am going to wrap up some of the projects that I have tarted and never finished, and I need to finish them before I move on and begin tackling the next ones. I am going to put together the story Tear Drops in the snow, To love the read head fox, not once but twice, and Tokyo 2023. As a bonus I am going further work on my trip to Japan and Korea 2024. At some point there will be a reminder every month of the year of my travels.

I find it hard to believe that only just a short time ago this idea of blogging, vlogging, YouTube and other forms of social media was a foreign concept. Today I sit here and write as I watch my friends live from Japan and enjoy being lost in the moment even if for a brief moment. The other exciting thing I am going to do over the weekend is begin working on editing and learning the process of Adabo Pro along with better articulation of my cameras.