Give life Purpouse

When I think of my life and the future I think of where I have come and where I intend to go. The life I live is one that most people never live, or know of, only dream of. Most people plan to travel, go to a new country and never leave. Some people reside themselves to the daily beat of life and never step out of it’s rythem. In the end many have resentment and bitterness as to how their life turned out. You can hear it in their voice, and you can hear it in they way they give their advice.

Often their advice is filled with the things that that they would like to have done, and what they would have liked if they had a second chance at redoing life. The lesson I take is to not live a life with regret. With their words of advice I feel that I am on the verge of a new discovery in myself and about my path in life.

The life I live is unique and I take go on to do things that some people never think of doing. I also set out to accomplish anythings that seem to be impossible. And, when I am meet with negative attitudes, or with doubt about my actions at first I started to doubt myself, until I saw that it was a reflection of them on me.

I thought to myself how little faith they had in me and what I had set out to do. That rather then support me they would rather give me the worst case senior. When people asked me what my back up plan was if I didn’t get the job of managing the Beatles, I said, there is no back up plan. When America went to the moon there was no back up plan. We didn’t say oh if we fail at going to the moon we will just go to Mars. And when people said to me that the universe works in mysterious ways, that when they were applying for the job they wanted, they didn’t get it right away. Non of this is what I wanted to hear, especially when life was already becoming complicated.

There are still those who believe in me and have unwavering faith that everything will work out better then I could imagine, and I believe that. My brother gave me some great insight, he said you will hear what you need to from the universe when the time is right. We are on to bigger things.

I added that Indeed, I will hear what I need to when the time is right, but I have to believe in the course of action I have taken up because I am confident in myself, and my direction. That when people doubt me or criticize me they aren’t just doubting my plans, but they are doubting me and my confidence. Again when I think about these peoples stories and how many of them just fell into life. Rather then sculpting a future and a dream, they picked what would work best for them in the moment and in the time.

Knowing a path even without knowing my path is a profound sense of being, that requires undeniable faith, and trust in the unknown. When you set out on this sort of journey there are few who will ever join you, and even fewer you will cross while traveling. That’s one of the coolest things about traveling is that the people I am likely to connect with are the people that are there, because I am there. This notion gives my life purpose, of finding the bigger connection, the bigger happening to life.