Believeing in the impossible, moving the heavens and earths, making a reality.

Life seems incredibly infinite and yet passes by so quickly that days strung together become a blur. Like the pages of a flip book playing a story, their ideas unfold like a play on this grand stage we call life. Out of all the moments in life that exist, and out of all the places in which you can belong we reside in the magical here and now searching for meaning in this seemingly random existence. But, what if the meaning of life, of any given moment was what you take from it and what you put into it? Then I would be moved to slow down and take in every day like grabbing hold of the seemingly random passing-by pages and running with them.

When I think of how seemingly random everything is and the fact that I am here, not to mention the fact that there are other people here sharing this existence with me, forming similar memories of the same moment. If that is not reason enough to run with life, the magic, and to take chances, let alone in something with someone you believe in, someone who paints your reality. I can take solace in knowing the fact that I took a chance at this moment in this frame, leaving no stone unturned.

The fear of losing what we think we have is what keeps us from taking real chances and risking it all. We would much rather hold on to something risk losing it all together at the chance that what it is we are holding onto may never come to be.

Tomorrow I am taking chances at fufilling my dreams to their fullest by taking chances I don’t just believe in I believe in their reality and my place in them. Tomorrow earmarks the next steps in this incredible journey. The Japan Trip is already booked and is coming together, now to put two more elements into play.

As nervious as I am about everything, its more excitment than anything. I have faith that the universe has heard me and paves my path, that regardless everything will unfold just as it’s suppose to, the magic is knowing I did everything I could and believe in so much.

I just don’t dream big, what I ask for is no less then moving the heavens and the earths. Archimidieas said give me a long enough lever and I will move the earth.