December 29th 2024
As the week starts and I say good bye to 2024 and hello to 2025 on Wednesday. A lot of good and amazing things happened in 2024 most notably my trip to Japan with two of my best friends. We didn’t just explore Tokyo, Kyoto, but also discovered the city of Osaka. Along the way I made some incredible friends and had some crazy adventures out in the lively nights. I also saw a promotion in 2024 at my job with new opportunities and challenges that has grown me into an amazing individual. Now that the year comes to an end I was afforded to hanging out with some close friends and reevaluate many of my life values and ideas.
I made the decision to go back to the gym with the idea of doing the splits a kart wheel and a controlled back drift. I figured that the path of gymnastics and dance is best to develop my entire body and not just some part or some aspect of it. A goal other then just lifting heavy circles to lift even heavier circles. I am in competition with myself and my weight and my own abilities.
I also took decided to sell my camera and lenses, and after doing so I have absolutely no regrets of doing so. The old saying is true “The best camera is the one in your hand” and a cell phone is virtually always in our hands, let alone something we rarely allow having a zero charge. With the money I got from selling my lenses and camera I bought the new iPhone 16 Pro Max. With the advancements in technology and cameras in phones my new phone competes with many middle of the road cameras. The other thing that sold me is the user friendly ability to. transfer video and photos across platforms in order to edit and compose and create art. I also invested the rest of the money in a stabilizer for better video shooting.
I have not lost the goal of making videos and creating art. In 2024 I tackled the task of making a YouTube channel, something I have been wanting to do for some time now. So far I have several videos of cooking travel and just randomness in general. I have enjoyed making the videos and making art in this form as it has been a rewarding challenge. Along with making videos I also did some incredible drawings and had some incredible tapestries made.
Now with the end of the year in sight I look towards the opportunity to the new year. For the first time I have took a look at my life the past, where I have been and what that all means, and I look at the future, maybe for the first time though the eyes of someone else making me considering a synthesis of ideas and values for my own path, that it might be one of sharing rather then going one alone.