The journey continues and as it does I grow into a new person. Along the way, I have profound conversations with friends who inspire me and leave me full and inspired. I am used to seeing my friend post every day usually something incredibly positive and inspiring. However, the past couple of days I haven’t seen or talked to her and I began to grow worried. Because she is an important friend to me I reached out to her as I do many of my friends each week to talk and wish them well and catch up with them to see how they are doing on their journey.
She admitted to me that she had been in a funk and suffered a setback, that self-doubt had gotten the best of her. I know how incredible this person is and I know how she has put her heart and soul into her journey so for her to say something like that really touched me. The ideas I gave her I feel that everyone could learn something from especially me.
Society, social media has added an additional layer of expectations that seemingly become unrealistic. We put on a brave face all the time for everyone to see that we start to expect it to be there all the time too. Sometimes we have to disengage from reality and pull back and remind ourselves of our own journey, and that we are our own heroes. Not every accomplishment has to be the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest. Nor, do we have to travel at Mach 3 in everything we do. I told her that her team is there for her and will always be there for her. I also reiterated what I have told her from the very beginning; keep being you because you rock and you are my hero.
I apologized to her too for seemingly coming across as always being upbeat and positive. I too have been suffering from self-doubt. Five years out of school it’s been quite the ride getting the hang of things again. One of the things that go through my mind is that I am not smart enough and that I should quiet while I am ahead. I counter that with, yes, this journey might be hard and difficult but this is to be one of my greatest accomplishments right up there with Tokyo and the Oil Field.
This is the kanji for the word Japan. pronounced Ni Hon