Day 5 and 6

I have been watching people on social media post this idea regarding that people no longer take the time to engage in posts and thus interact with people unless a post contains a picture of some sort. the gimmick is that if you read though it the post is actually a social experiment to see who will read though it and then re-post it along with a comment, something that acknowledges their friendship.

If you have to first of all resort to some sort of social media post to validate your friendship then in my opinion your friendship is superficial and shallow. I have taken great time and consideration when it comes to the idea of friendship, what it means to me and what it means to be their friend. There is an idea that once you build a relationship then you are responsible for that responsible. Posting posts takes takes out the humanity and makes people unaccountable for their actions.

People who are my friend are my friend. They know who I am what I am about. I don’t have to ask them to validate me or their knowledge of me.

The grind continues as I march forward and further down the road. I am giving it my all and constantly pulling an iron from the fire and striking it hard. Meditation, power naps and the stem room have been my greatest friend in this journey. I don’t allow myself to get too hung up on various ideas and happening I only double down get more focused and work harder. Time and knowing that it’s only a short time until December 16th is a blink of an eye.