The chance coincidence of serendipity.

There are some things, events, and circumstances I don't attempt to make sense. Instead, I allow life to unfold as it may and follow it like following a current. In life, this philosophy has not only served me well but revealed a particular sort of magic to life that not everyone experiences or ever comes to know. One could go so far as to say that life in its moments is very serendipitous. Most often, this feeling, this instinct comes when I'm alone and seemingly tuning into the frequency of the universe, nature, and life along with other people resonating on the same frequency.

I believe and know to be true that all things resonate at a specific frequency. That is why if you move quickly enough, you can phase through a brick wall, at least in theory. None the less all things resonate on a frequency, vibrating, a moment in the process. Furthermore, I bleve all things connected; and can be reached by matching oneself to the same frequency, but instead of listening, either we tune out altogether, or people intentionally tune out to hear and believe what they want to.

The best example of following the natural resonance of the universe and good people is when I was in Kyoto in the summer of 2019. I had nowhere to be and no time frame in which I had to follow. Where ever I was, I was there. On several occasions, a voice of some sort said turn here, go there, and by doing this, I found myself at the very heart of the moment that was seeming made and crafted for me. I couldn't ask for a more fantastic time or happening then what I found when I let go and went with the current.

I would have to add that understanding the idea that all things resonate at a frequency and that all people, places, and things in life are connected is an idea that no one ever thinks or considers. When we learn to connect to the universe and tune in, we unlock unlimited potential and opportunity in the world around us and beyond. Too often, we get caught up in the distortion white noise of life that we rarely listen to anything, let alone anyone around us. The natural resonance is replaced by a chaotic vibration that begins to take its toll on our psyche and our mental health, taking a toll on our physical health. Keeping up with life and reality is as impossible as attempting to be yourself without getting caught up in the crossfire of reality.

You can begin to push yourself so hard that you start to feel drunk without ever taking a sip of alcohol. The world around you starts to become distorted into a warped sense of reality. During this time, you allow yourself to naturally check out as your body starts to reconnect at a base level of living and to be.

I admit I am no saint and am not immune to falling into the trap of reality. Currently, I attempt to have right wronged to the extent of losing myself even further to a reality that is as foreign to me as is the idea of becoming established in the reality in which I fight against, and for a good reason. I rely heavily on tuning in and allowing the natural frequency, which I have mentioned before, to guide me to where I am supposed to be, along with my focus as to detail that reality with my interests and personality.