I often spend time thinking about friendship, and what it means to be friends on a lot of different levels. Lately, the thought that has gone through my mind is a friend is someone who calls another person up just to see how they are doing, and what they have been up to, and for some reason what their favorite color is. I also like the idea that a friend is someone you can share your thoughts and ideas with because you cherish their insight, their point of view, feeling that their answer will lead you to the next big discovery or bridge an already though idea together. I love the movie Diner with André for this exact idea. Not only does it have all the elements I’m talking about it also examines the inherent flaws in that idea. The flaw of not finding what you were looking for. Instead of finding answers, you were left with even more questions.
My current art piece that I am doing for recreation is one that I am thoroughly enjoying. Not only does it depict friends and acquaintances, after struggling with an idea for the background I decided to go with an idea that gabby did. In the background rather than there being one image, there shall be several. Tokyo Capsule Tower, The 1:1 Gundam, The Blue Mosque, Along with several other artists including myself. The ability to have everyone together will be amazing and sparks my curiosity as to what would those conversation be life and how would they go.
I suppose that these conversations could be called the un-had conversations. Stay Tuned for un-had conversations.