Some of the most inspiring ideas to get us through.

“Everyone goes through things! Always be yourself because in the end, yourself is all you got. It can be difficult to be proud of who you are some days but ultimately you’re the best you ever, ya know. That’s the greatest thing ever to be your own hero! I mean you know what you’ve been through, and I’m sure that definitely makes you a hero to you’re own story.” Unknown

In the time of social media people post some pretty amazing and awe-inspiring ideas from time to time. There have been a few that have caught me off guard and really impacted my life. She goes on to say in her post.

I don’t really know when or how it happened, but at some point I lost my confidence in my own voice.

I’ve always had a powerful voice (sometimes so much so that it was inconsiderate), but in the last few years I’ve noticed myself struggling to voice my beliefs and communicate my needs.

It’s honestly only very recently that I’ve started to realize this.

Here’s how I know that’s what’s up

-I stopped discussing political issues and voicing my questions/thoughts on controverial topics almost entirely over the last couple of years.

-My voice literally shook during conversations regarding something meaningful to me because I was afraid of being doubted or confronted

-I struggled to communicate my desires for my life + to say no to things I don’t really want because I was intimidated by the responses I’d receive.

-I catch myself hyper-editing my online + in-person speech to make sure I don’t say anything politically incorrect

Here’s what I have to say for now, as I relearn to trust my own voice:

You can have a fire in your throat and still be compassionate. You can disagree with people you love — even over controversial and heated topics — and still understand that they are a human being with legitimate human experiences. You can be afraid of losing love or of being judged and still speak confidently about what you need.

You have an extremely necessary, beautiful voice, and someone needs to hear what you have to say. Especially yourself.

Even if you need to begin by writing privately what it is you believe an what exactly you would say if you knew no one would ever read it, then do. Start somewhere, but don’t stop there.

Life mission

My mission is to be present for as many moments of life as possible and revel in the joy of these momentsand/or grow though them. My mission is to live a life that is interesting and exciting to me. My mission is to engage in work that is financaially supportive and brings joy to my life. My mission is to forever write and express myself, even if it doesn’t support me financially, and to never put pressure on my work to support me and to not be resentful if it doesn’t. My mission is to experience everything deeply, to stand in my self-worth integrity, to take time to appreciate life’s beauty, do the things I love, to grow from my experiences and to cultivate a fountain of peace and love within myself and then share it with the world around me. X.O. S.C. 2-20-2020

The conversation that started after went like this:

I Loved your post about your voice, it was very touching and inspiring and I just wanted you to let you know just that. I wish more people shared like this and wished more people shared.

It means a lot that you took the time to share this with me, thanks Terry. It’s important for us to share what’s most difficult sometimes.

I know how hard it can be to have a boice an idea a belief let alone to just be you. I remember wanting to put myself out there and at one point lost my voice. I found mine much like you have that’s why your message spoke out to me so much. I put mine out there again not like I use to and I have evolved my message. I want to share happiness love encouragement and growth. All I can ask for is people to believe in me and my dreams and to tell me theirs so I might do the same for them. Keep writing keep living keep being you. This is my voice, even if no one reads it or journyies though it, it makes me happy and I thought I would share it with you.

Thanks for sharing I like the way set up the site, it looks like a great project too. It’s a great place to find yourself when your own appreciation of your voice is enough.