Tear Drops in the snow

The rain came down at a constant rate beating against my picture window as I read my book in the late afternoon. While sipping hot tea flaked out on the couch that was poised under the picture window atop the shag carpet I took a moment to listen to its melodic sound. The sky was seemingly filled with sadness and despair as the rain fell, but to me, the sky brought out the true beauty in the world showing off the true hues. The rain washed away the imperfections that had been left on it by the winds and time its self. I saw something most didn’t a beautiful sky that was just misunderstood. Rainstorms have always been one of my favorite types of weather, ever since I was a kid. I would spend hours looking out a picture window similar to mine only the view outlooked the river and vast fields of wilderness. I would daydream the day away just sitting there watching, listening. Listening to the beautiful balled, watching the drops streak across my window everything was perfect, even if just for that moment.

The temperature was beginning to fall, and even I got cold, but that did not keep me from the window. I went and got my favorite hoodie on to keep warm as to finish my book that was nearing its end, “spring and all” by William Carol William. By the time I finished the hour was late, and as I looked outside large pools of water had begun to start freezing over. I put my book down and laid back down and let my mind wander. Only a short time later my slumbers were interrupted when the front door opened.

Watching her walk in soaked to the bone, her hair dripping, and cloths drenched she was shivering as she fumbled with getting the keys out of the door. She didn’t say a word as she made her way to the bed room dripping all along the way across the hard wood floors. A few minuets later she emerged from the bedroom dressed in one of my college hoodies and a pair of leggings along with mismatched stripped socks. As she came closer the smile was clearly evident on both our faces as she sat down on my lap and in my arms. We kissed and caught up, but the weight of the day, and the rain took it’s toll on us leaving us to drift of to slumber land.

We woke up some time later to a dark pink sky. The rain had finally stopped and turned to snow. Falling with great genteelness each snow flak stacked gently upon one another covering everthing it touched with a white blanket. Wiping the slumber from our eyes I got up and an went to the kitchen to make us both a cup of tea to keep the cold at bay. While the water was warming I started a fire to warm the room that had no grown rather cold.

With a roaring fire going and a hot cup of tea, the room was also filled with music. The open chords filled the quite room as record player began to play Abbey Road. We enjoyed our hot tea as we have sat there listening to music enjoying the moment. I took up my sketch paid and pencil and began sketching the most amazing girl in the world. There was no need in telling a story as a story was already unfolding before me. I couldn’t be happier that in one room I could have the world and so much more. The more time passed the more time seemed to stay still. We had no where to be and nowhere we would rather be. As I continued to draw she wrote in her journal.

The music added to the ambience greatly. Some of the simpler songs came across as so much more in a time when nothing need to be said. The song “I want you, she’s so heavy” came on with it’s surreal heavy sound, hitting me with the full weight of the album and the moment. Finally the song came to an end, only to give way to George Harrison’s song “Here comes the sun.” Closing my eyes for a moment taking a break from my piece of art work. I knew I already had all the sunshine in my life. Nothing in the world made me happier then waking up each morning next to my sunshine. With the albums iconic ending we both decided to go to bed spite it being the early morning hours.

As we turned out the lights and turned down the fire we moved into the bedroom and climbed in and under the covers of our bed. At this moment we didn’t need to say anything as we already knew what the other was thinking. Laying there I pulled her close and held her in my arms. Gazing into one another eyes. I played with her hair and gently caressed her face and in no time she was fast asleep. To me this was poetry without words lived and known only in ones heart, felt and had in the briefest of moments.

The late morning hours were upon us before we were already awaking. Waking first I saw her open her eyes along with a grin grow across her face as she lend over and gave me a kiss. The longer we looked into each others eyes the more the more there was to see and know. Throwing the covers back we took our shower and began the day. Fresh and ready to start the day got ready to make the short walk down to our favorite cafe.

Dressed in my pea coat and warm dress cloths, french cuffs, vest with my wool tie, along my gopher britches. Dressed in a wool skirt, with warm leggings she was also wearing a similar jacket, with a cute little hat letting her hair fall out. Setting out into the cold winter day without a care in the world we were off to brunch pastries and coffee and tea. Cafe Stalingrad was the cafe that we first meet one another and now it’s a place that we went to share that moment over and over.

The trees had been frosted and the ever greens were covered in a think blanket of snow leaving behind and untouched winter wonderland. Ones breath loomed in the air long after the breath had been taken. The world was silent with the sound absorbing the sounds of the world gave the feeling that the world was ours and ours alone.

In the lifeless arctic world a moment of time elapsed where the snow stopped and the sun broke through the gray sky. Not to melt the snow away, but just brighten everything. Time in that instant stopped, the trees shined as if they were painted in a white silver. Without warning my world came to a stop when I turned to find the love of my life standing there crying. The tears could be seen running down her cheeks shinning in the light, some had already frozen before ever hitting the ground. I grabbed her by the hands and before I could say anything she poured her heart out to me in three words. “I love you”

I put my hands around her and said, I know that. I have always know that you have been so amazing and good to me. Everyday with you is a gift one that I cherish. Each day I get to live out my greatest dream of being happy.

As I said this she buried her face into my chest grabbing hold of me tightly crying. Not tears of sorry but tears of joy. In her heart she knew that everything she believed to be true, was true. She asked, where do we go from here. I told her to look behind her, and as she did I told her that the foot prints are where we have been, before us there are no foot prints. May we go where ever we want as long as you are by my side I don’t care where we end up.