Life and the play we are are staging.

I have used the metaphor to describe my life as being a book and that this stage in my life is but only a chapter to a much longer novel to a series of books. In reality, I journal all the time. Often I will finish one journal and start another and other times I will simply start a new one because I wished to start a new chapter in my life. I believe the narrative that best describes life is two interwoven ideas that become one and the same. There is a specific ballad when it comes to thinking about life in the same way I do as life being a journal. That balled is Chopan’s Ballad 1 opus 23 in G minor. The balled, much like a story with its beginning middle, climax end. The ballad’s intro comes back several times in different keys not to mention that at various times the key signature changes as it transitions through the various movements of the pieces. How often our life come back to us to inspire or hold us back? How often does our life speed up or slow down? There are parts in the song where the adagio pulls at our heartstrings just like life playing out in its meaningful moments with a slight dramatic change that would go unnoticed but stands at center stage in our world. Life plays out on this grand stage we call reality, and in it, we perform our greatest piece. Each day an actor to our own play that is penned as we live it. We forget that our lives are not one action Like the music we must flow into the next movement of what awaits us. When the last note is played and the curtain falls we are left without the ballad and any more acts, what then will be said of our life then. Will the play and the ballad that came to mean so much be preserved and remembered. Will people wish to hear it’s the melodic tune, and will people wish to carry the story on by preforming it on their own stages far and wide. The stage remains ready and the keys lay waiting.

Have you ever gone into a museume and wondered if what I look upon is in act the original piece of art or some imitation, some fake? Is all the museums theatrics there just to convince me that this is the original, that this is the monet I have heard so much of? I do all the time. In life today with everything going on it’s hard to tell what is true and what is fake. Anyone who remembers not long ago will remeber the debouchla of fake news and sponsored media. Recently life seems to have become an Orwellian nightmare where we are feed a scruot of fer, doubt as if it’s been scripted to further someones agenda. I call this the Goebboles paradox.

In these chatoic times I know as an artist that photos, and film can be edited, staged and scripted. I know that hired actors can act out a narrative. In these times of uncertainty I am reminded of what I know to be true. To me there is nothing more truth then the quotes that echo from history from the iconic revolutionary, Che Guevara.

The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality. Che

In this time I focus on the things I know to be true and real. I know I want to live and I want to love. I want to go one dreaming and making art. More then anything I want to go on sharing these qualities to share in the magic of life as to run with a passion and sincarity never felt or know before. These uncertain times have left me to look inward to take the time to know thyself. In the before time so many of us took our life and time for granted, thinking there would always be a tomorrow, that we could we could put off today for tomorrow. Now I want to put myself out there and not just acknowledge live to live it like I have never know before. I do, I live by my two mottos. Believe in me and my dreams and tell me yours so that I might do the same for you. And, “Artists of the world unite.” As artists may we combine to create an idea that is bigger than anyone individual that allows us all to take something from it and grow, to be inspired and to know we are all more alike then we are different.

At the end of the Movie “Ghost in the Shell” Major wakes in a new shell, that of a child. We learn that it’s the only one that Batou could find on the black Market. Many people will agree that this is the rebirth, as Major put’s it “I am now neither the women known as major nor am I the program know as puppet master.” The movie closes as she asks out loud, where does the new born go from here. The net is vast and infinite.

When we take on a new way of thinking and a new way of being, where then do we begin and what do we start.