I saw a meme on my face book today that made me really take things in and think about life and my path I have taken up. The meme reads, “you’re scared to take a 4 year course because your’re 32 and by the time you’re done, you'd be 36. Wheather you take the courses or not, in 4 years time you’d still be 36” I just turned 37 and i intend to do just that, go back to school, but like I mentioned in a blog earlier I also intend on learning Japanese.
If I looked at the first part of my life a lot of time was spent on figuring life out. I went to college and attempted university several times before settling into the restaurant life where I eventually lost a good chunk of time and effort. The second part of my life would be one of those times that I could describe as being” a golden period. This Golden Age was and is currently my time spent in the oil field. Because of my job I have been afforded the opportunity to travel the world and much of the United States. Japan, L.A. and Turkey were some of my major highlights of having a good and amazing time.
The title to this blog is Akagi Sunrise as it is appropriately titled that as I am embarking on new journeys and opportunists. I was at first going to leave my job and go back to school in August up until a wave of work happened that is providing me the opportunity to move forward some of the original plans along with getting myself out of debt. Instead of August the launch date is now December with the ambition of launching in th new year 2021. With such change I am again frightful of the uncertanity and what is to come. As a way of delaing with this stress and anzity I tell my self I can just stay with my current job, but I know this isn’t that answer.
The oil field hit rock bottom not long ago reaching in the negative numbers rocking everyone involved. Not to mention the pandemic going on everyone has been in a state of flux, I believe that this is the last major go at making it big. At some point, I will be able to look back and see where the high water mark was before it fades away. That is why I am and continuing to make plans to set sail to new waters rather than wait by the shore waiting for that wave that may never come. The other thing I tell myself is that my body just can’t take it anymore. I hurt already and am thankful every time I get up and amble to move.
This hitch will be one of my last if not my last before I head out into the unknown and make my own certainty. The plan is to finish school and have my student loan paid off so I don’t have that hanging over my head. That I can speak Japenese fluently and pass the language test that Japan requires. Considering the Japan dream is to also go forward with my YouTube channel so that I might make myself and various ideas to a much larger market chiefly and namely Japan and Japanese business. If anything I intend to make my dream a reality and let me carry it.
Now each day I ask myself how can I best position myself so that I might move ahead. When I watch the sunset I think to myself the people of Japan are watching its rise and when it rises here I think it just came from Japan. I look forward to the future and everything it holds as I will keep on keeping on and doing my best. May I find my sunrise and may I never let it set.