Just a magical day of happenings

When you start to take action and work hard your dreams become noticeable more real. I was suppose to go to Japan in March though through the first week of April, but that was interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. Disheartened that I woudln’t be returning. To be honest I was worried that I would barely be getting, turning things over to collections, and entering into a dark time. Then I was informed that there was an epic wave of work that surfed would take me well into the next chapter of my life. I was most in.

As I thought about my dreams and how I was going to get to Japan to live I developed a plan. I would surf the wave as long as possible and keep with work for as long as it lasted even if it took me up until I go to Japan. The next phase is to acquire several things to add to my material wealth but designed to aid me in moving forward with my plans and dreams. The goal is to build an online social presence via YouTube depicting my journies, thoughts, and projects, along with featuring other artists of all sorts of various aspects from underground to the main stream. One thing that I would like to focus on is my study of the Japanese language, and how I figured out how to speak it fluently.

I intend to take the things I intend to acquire also be used to make movies and short films along with using them to work through, as all my schooling will be online this go around. Schooling is to happen in the beginning of the new year 2021. The goal of everything is to combine in 2.5 I jump off into the next book of my life. That book is to look a lot like this. I will be living in Japan namely Tokyo or Kyoto and loving every moment of it. I will have several short films and a dedicated blog and vlog following.

Today I booked my 2020 trip for my birthday. My 2019 birthday was amazing and beyond my wildest imagination. I went to Turkey to see my artist friend for my birthday to experience a day in the life and to walk in her shoes. This year I intend to celebrate the magic in Kyoto, Japan. I can’t wait to walk down the shopping district and see the crazy cute otters.

Along with my trip rebooked and planned out I am excited to add a few new stops to the list. Osaka will be a major stop along with Nara and the surrounding area. At this time lot of things are coming together in profound ways enough to say yes to even more life and more aspect of life.

Traveling back to my beloved country of Japan, exploring a different aspect of life, and entertaining the idea of a relationship. I never thought I would say that, a relationship, but life is too short not to say yes.