Believing something is there when theres really nothing there at all.

Most of the time we spend in life is superficial and wasted on meaningless, mundane things to get ahead or to hold are heads above water.  The most significant superficial waste of time occurs when we fool ourselves into thinking we share a friendship or a relationship with someone or someone’s only to find our relationship was biased on something completely arbitrary.  After the events and time together has expired we quickly become distant and eventually become once again strangers.  We mistake the time we spend together for something more because we laugh, we share details about our lives, and form an understanding of our cirumstances and build a comradery but lack any real depth or feelings for one another.


I talked about what friendship means along with what loving someone means.  When applied to this argument I think to myself how many times have I experienced true friendship.  How many people consider me a real friend and how many people do I consider to my true friend.  The most haunting question to me is how many people do I consider close to me but are actually complete strangers; and what quality of life is that?  The other haunting thought is out of the many lives I know how many friendships exists because I refuse to let go of the idea.


I think this this is why relationships fail after a certain period of time.  After a certain period of time it would seem that the superficial nature isn’t enough to carry the relationship or to propel it to the next stage or the next level; unless the individuals are just that superficial that they actually make it work, that or are a compromise is struck.  This however fuels another argument.  The compromise leads to one individual living a lie within themselves.  From first-hand accounts I have watched people get married who have yet to understand fully the depth and complexity of themselves let alone finish selling their wild oats.  This behavior causes one side to start living a lie within themselves; anyone pure and true who threatens the fragile idea of their relationship becomes a threat.



For the most part people will never delve deeper into the philosophies of life, and instead accept everything at face value.  A person can die on the inside attempting to keep an idea alive at the extent of reality crushing them.  Enlightened individuals are able to set aside differences and see through the façade as to see the genuine in others regardless of their own shortcomings.  We should never forget why we choose to go down the road in the first place.  If we always expected something in return, then we would be severely disappointed. At the same time, we should never let ourselves be treated less then we deserve.  People might now always reach us on our level but we should pay the resect to others as much as we expect to treated.  We change the world not by changing the world but by changing the world of one individual at a time; being there, genuine and honestly. 


As my life begins to evolve and take on new meaning I ready myself to let go of the ideas I have held on to in order to get ready for the next great leap forward.  I finally have school sorted out along with a new job, or I should say jobs.  I got to admit I am going to be busy, busy, busy. I also started seeing an amazing woman.  To balance life, I must let go and allow life to take me where I need to be and where I need to go.  I have two more piece of art to finish before the great beginning starting January 20th, 2020 with the start of the spring semester.  I also plan to focus in on my Japanese study of the language as it is my goal to pass the JLPT.  Lots of goals ambitions and dreams to be had with plenty of time to make them a reality in the fourth quarter and in the new year.