Just the other day, I posted a cheeky post on one of my social media accounts that talked about the vaccines that were starting to roll out in response to pandemics. The post generalized my understanding as it has been explained to me on several occasions. I surmised that your DNA was unzipped code entered and rewriting the DNA to be covid resistant. This idea is something that I have heard of before on the TV show Batman Beyond wherein in several of the episodes, kids were experimenting with gene splicing with animals. These new hybrid humans were known as splices. I followed up my post by asking if the people who got the vaccine technically make them splices.
I imagined that someone would say something, but I wasn’t expecting the response my post solicited. There was a link to a youtube video describing the process and explaining anything that wasn’t clear or to clear up any misconceptions in the response.
I deleted my post to spread misinformation or lead others astray, but the post and response got me thinking. A few years ago, there was a huge campaign regarding false news and the idea of fact-checking, let alone sponsored media. The second thing I thought is who funded this youtube channel got me thinking about who is writing the script and what agenda this message has. I feel that neither one of us are correct, and neither one of us are wrong.
I am not a scientist, nor is anyone I know of that is close enough to say that I trust their opinion. Everything I know about the pandemic is having someone; usually a professional, tell me what I need to know. Even news is portrayed with an opinion and an agenda. This argument is starting to feel reminiscent of André’s conversation with Wally about the man with the acorn. For most people, accepting being told what is and isn’t is good enough, and why shouldn’t it be? Most people never question the reality; they follow right along, but the truth is in the linear logic that begins to unravel for those who pay attention. Those who watch the unraveling are left to wonder why you would continue to put your faith and trust in an organization or at least not question everything when you have at times been lied to or deceived; if not to us, then to the world.
I think back to another cheeky post I made some time ago that talks about the truth. The post depicts Joseph Gorrbles saying to his cohorts referencing the news and saying that’s some good propaganda. Later at the party, one of Görrbles closer friends comes and askes him privately whats the real truth to which Görrbles responds I don’t even know anymore.
The old statement is true because people only understand based on their experience; should they lack that experience, then an experience must be provided or created for them, or at least a framework where such ideas can be made understandable, when you think about a whole world created for people to operate in, along with ready-made problems and solutions.
If anything, the entire argument reinforces ideas that I already knew. When someone isn’t familiar with a subject or field, fear can cause people to act irrational and leave them looking for answers. Just be careful whom you find the answers from and what form they come in. Most importantly, trust no one.