The month of March is a lot of things for me. In 2013 I went to France and explored a world abroad. On the last day in France, we explored Chantilly, only we experienced France in a way few people ever do, in snow. We were all glad that we were flying Icelandic Air as we figured that they were more experienced flying in and out of a snow-ridden country. In 2018 I was in the oil field at my first frack having no idea as to what was going on. On the last day of the frack the weather changed for the worse spite it being beautiful the entire time I was there. This was the first time I got to try out actually work clothes and put them to the test. A year later I was in Pa. experiencing a spring winter of the East Coast.
Now we can add to this spring winterwonderland story: apoclopse snow. The snow storm of March 13,14,15,and 16 has wrecked havoc on the town leaving people to dig out only to be snowed back in. It’s a cruel joke to tell the truth. I dug my car out and even brushed it off. After servaying the parking lot to my apartment complex only to find that there was no places that would be available to park once I returned. There was only two other spots that were even remotely available, and even then they were questionable.
I ended up walking to work by choice. There is something to be said about being able to walk to places regardless of what is going on in and around you. At 4 am in the morning during the snowstorm that makes history is quite the experience. The feeling is rather erie and ominous leaving home into the void. With the highways shut down and the no one out you have plenty of time to think and ponder about life.
Of course walking in the dark this early in the morning I was safe and made sure to stay safe. I clipped my red light on the back of my backpack and wore a green beacon light on the front of me. This was so that I was visible to oncoming and passing traffic. A 53 minuet trip took me an hours and 20 minuets. The amount of strength and effort that it took on me was something more then I had felt in a long time. Amidst everything I made points with everyone showing that there is no reason why you can’t overcome and accomplish.