In 2021 everything has a barcode, seemingly humans as well. When you scan a bar code depending on the software and information in the system product information shows up. Yes, also included is basic information name and address. For example luggage at the airport. In my opinion the barcode is essential and pertinent when dealing with operating a business effectively and keeping everything highly orginazed.
When you introduce humans errors are to be expected at some point at some place. No one is perfect. That being said how many times have we lost a package or had it sent or delivered to the wrong address. What if we revamped the whole process differently.
Covid-19 has changed how we do business across the board. In some ways it has been beneficial and in other ways it has caused even more problems. The problem is that a lot of people have started working remotely. The problem in working remotely is that some business and administrations are no longer answering their phones only working via e-mail. You can imagine the headache when working with various departments and finding that your getting one email a day worth of information while competing with a deadline.
The upside to this is that we are able to do business seemingly more efficiently. Some business have worked things so that everything is done wireless with checks and various security measures. This form of conducting and doing business is fast easy and efficient. The problem is that when varying and confirming information much information is being left out. As mentioned above how often do we check to make sure our information is up to date and relevant. How often do we check to make sure that when we have something shipped we are actually going to get it sent to our current address. This is becoming a problem especially when we do business for single items that range well over $1,000.00.
When being asked to pay and then have a link sent to confirm and pay an additional link should be sent to confirm the shipping and receiving information. This system of confirming via a link absolves the business from making mistakes and further delaying the process. Lets say that a problem does occurs with the proper shipping address being an issue, and your package is being sent to the wrong address.
To resolve this there should be included the shipper and information to contact, the agency being utilized for shipping and the receiver themselves. The information regarding shipping and shipping instructions should also be included. All this information should be found when the barcode of the product along with a unique identifying code. This code can be used to make changes within the information of the bar code. Because each piece of luggage has to be scanned before being put onto a plane the same is true for a deliver person dropping off packages. If a change has occurred in the system then a flag will occur when it is scanned. At this time the package should be set aside and brought back to a hub for reshipping, or brought to an authorized agency for holding that can then be picked up at a later date and time.
There shouldn’t be a long process where no one knows what to do, not the Agency that places the order, the third party that ships the product, and the agency that is being used to ship the product it self. A streamlined system should be installed to assure that this problem wont be a common occurrence in the future.