life is an amazing journey filled with amazing people

I have been away for what seems like a lifetime, but only two months have passed by in reality. I feel like I have lived several lives in but a blink of an eye. There was a moment that left me spinning. The moment is like those movies you watch where you know something important is being said to one of the protagonists, and as they listen, the sound begins to drownd out, and you're left with a song playing.

I remember being frustrated and mad about the events that have occurred to me. There was nothing that I could say because we all knew the truth. I felt like we were all in the forest, and even though we all knew we were lost and could see the trees, we didn't dare talk about the trees or being lost.

When the moment passed and reality came rushing back to me, I said I wasn't going to be mad, and I wasn't going to be upset. I decided that I would put good karma out into the world. After work, I went down to the book store and bought a friend of mine several books. The message of the books was all the same but told in different ways: ways which I knew would reach her, her family, and her team. I felt that that positive force would go out into the world and return to me in ways that I could only imagine. Sometimes in life, you have to do good and put good into the world and let that magic manifest your reality.

A few weeks later, I meet someone who has this wonderful disposition and magic that radiates from them. Magic that made you say, Yes, Yes to life! For no other reason, I wanted to share my art with her, and for no other reason, I stopped and asked, "for no other reason than wanting to see a piece of art would you like to see a drawing."

We found that we both have a love for Japan. With such a fantastic connection, I decided to contact a friend from Japan and catch up. Like magic coming back to me, I was surprised to find out that they had sent me a gift some time ago. The gift I got was a box of Kit Kat's and Boss Coffee. I couldn't keep all this magic to myself, so I decided to gift some of it to this amazing person.

The act of giving and being kind is the closest thing I can come to regarding the magic that I found in Japan. Plus, there is something magical about sharing with someone who loves Japan. We went to coffee and caught up about life and japan. We shared ideas and thoughts and our love for anime and Japan. We never did talk about politics, religion, or the other trivial tripe.

It's fantastic to meet people who share the same interests and a love for life. Most people are so caught up in life that they miss it altogether, or they are so busy wearing an identity being something they are not that they are constantly searching for something. I was left with a good feeling about life and everything coming with longer and warmer spring days. The sentiment is fantastic, sharing the journey and ideas, simply living a day in life to its fullest.

Though the road ahead is unknown, I am excited about traveling down it before the sun rises and beginning the next big adventure. I am ready to get this intermission over and start the next big act. To do that, I will need a fantastic team of believers. When I thought about changing the world and the dreams I have dreamt, it meant creating a dream big that made everything possible. As I look at the sun and feel the warmth on my face, I can't help but believe in the reality of actually knowing and feeling the embers of the sun.