Amazing Begennings.

Aside from everything going on I had this great idea regarding art, something about the recent showing and display of all the students up at the event center that suggested to me that I need to push my limits. I am taking a big leap in something I don’t just believe in, but if pulled off it will be an extraordinary feet, I intend to use color in several different mediums and in several different styles of a friend who was kind enough to help me out in the first place by allowing me the use of some truly artistic photographs.

If art is to be a blue print of the reality I intend to create and and a letter to express ideas and thought that would otherwise fail then may the brush stroke speak volume.

Lately I have been sort of a funk of sorts. Everything is changing, the tide is going out and a great wave of change is happening, right now the wave is small, and the movement almost unnoticeable, There are things in my personal life, my family and in the world at large. These are times that would make anyone feel uncertain, and fearful of the future. Now, the time has come to rewrite that narraitive and beging with an amazing sense and a beautiful story to unfold.

This story begins tomorrow with some amazing beginnings.