Currently, it is 82 days until I return to Japan with my adventure team, and I find myself extremely optimistic about everything going on. With roughly 400 days until me and my friends all go our own way I can’t help but have this positive feeling that anything everything and anything is possible. Recently, I have been surrounded by a cloud of negativity that has caused rough seas, causing minor setbacks in my progress and my plans, but nothing is detouring me from making the best trip to Japan 4.0 and the next chapter, Beyond Tokyo, New Beginning and Opportunists. Alone for the week ahead, I am taking the time to refocus and regroup to make the best of what’s coming next.
I have also successfully launched my YouTube channel. My first videos aren’t the greatest, but everyone has to start somewhere. Each video, despite only being two, has been a constant improvement. I am a bit behind posting my third one simply because I am trying to figure out how to use Adobe Premium Pro and the new addition of Epidemic Sound. I decided to go with Epidemic Sound because it seems to be the preferred platform that many of my friends use for their YouTube channels. There is a side of me that thinks I may be trying to do too much too soon. But then there is a side that says I have to keep going. I admit that it’s a steep learning curve.
Trying to make a YouTube channel, let alone have a website and an artistic movement, is extremely complicated. Some of the big things I have to worry about and think about when creating an episode are the content, the title, and the thumbnail. You have to consider the click, thought, click rating, and so many random aspects considered the many facets.
I want to be ready to make the best of this trip I am planning for myself, my friends, and my return to Japan. I want to inspire people, like many other YouTubers have done for me, but in a positive and rewarding way. Like many great documentaries and artists, the number of intolerant, rude, and inconclusive tourists is starting to run many good things. As much as I love that everyone covers an amazing city and country, it brings hidden gems and makes them over-publicised. One good example would be the Lawson convenience store, which had to erect a blocking barrier because the number of tourists who had their pictures taken with Mt Fuji in the background was causing problems with traffic. Kyoto has banned tourism from specific parts of the town, including Shyibuya.
In addition to creating my new art forms, I intend to move forward with rekindling old dreams and making them happen. I have positive thoughts and positive waves; tomorrow is a new day, a fresh canvas, and so much more.