July 4th reflections

In art and when attempting to express ideas, yourself, and life, that essence of being raw is probably one of the most critical aspects. When we constantly script our lives and tell a story, the audience only sees one side of us, leaving us to hide our whole selves. True, we should always keep a piece of ourselves private and safe from the world, like when people go camping and sip on their hot cup of coffee, letting life pass them by sharing it with no one. Or when we make art just for ourselves for no reason other than wanting to make art. We are not perfect, and we are by no means immune from the ups and downs felt in life.

Winter blues are a real thing, and so is seasonal depression and just downright depression. Another thing that we do is take on the weight of the world. The iconic scene of Network plays on in the back of my mind. When the news anchor starts a rant that becomes viral. The rant's punch line is, “You got to get mad and say, God dame it, my life has value, but you got to get mad. The events and circumstances he mentions, despite being almost fifty years ago in 1976, are still relevant today. The Russians, the violence, and the inflation are still plaguing us today.

The dollar today buys less and less, rent prices are what mortgages used to be, and quick math suggests that you need a $ 100,000-year job to afford many of the hoses on the market. Added to the problem, the anxiety of others wondering where they are going and what they are doing has left us all anxious and wondering what’s coming next.

But I tell you, I am not going to let it get me down, nor am I going to allow the anxiety of others to get the better of me, nor am I going to allow the storm of others push me off course from what I want to do and what I want out of life. I am excited about my art and my current endeavors and opportunities. I have never really believed in Ford 40, making my dream come true. I have to think outside the box. (Ford’s Fordy: The man who came up with the idea of making a living working five days a week at 40 hours) Winning the lottery is a fun idea, but there is no way I will hedge my bets on winning it. What I am going to do is make my dream a reality and allow them to carry me and fill my sails.

Currently, as I write, it is 392 days until I and the long-running show Two Brothers and an Apartment come to an end of virtually over a decade of being a staple to so many people. Then there are 74 more days until the adventure team and I return to Japan. I ended up celebrating July 4th with friends and family. One friend in particular had just returned from Japan and had an incredible time despite all the recent changes. I was worried about my upcoming trip and the changes happening, so this was good news for me.

I am excited for what is to come. With a positive attitude and an amazing projection of the future, everything else will fall into place and come to be.