A day of sickness and relfections

I woke up this morning thinking I was going to die as my head hurt so bad that all I could do was put hot packs on it over and over again. I mustered up the courage to go to work and decided to first go to the dr. and get some answers. Afterward, I decided to call it and opted to go back home and spend the next several hours in pain. Not until around noon was I finally able to compose myself. As fast as my sickness came on, it left just as fast. Let’s say that the cold stopped me and made me reflect on life.

I guess the big takeaway was that life is going to happen, and you can’t stop it from happening in ways that are out of one’s control. And, when it gets you down, you can’t allow it to get you down. You have to know that everything will continue to work out. Something a sickness can easily take our mind, focus from our goals and ambitions, and lead us right back to the marshes we climbed out of.

I called my old mentor the other day, and today, his words resonated in the back of my mind while I wallowed around on the couch. With 27 days until I returned to Japan, my friend asked how my Japanese was coming along, to which I replied it hadn’t progressed much. What he said shocked me. He said you're too smart not to know Japanese.

If anything, today has been about doubling down on myself, believing in what I am doing, going the distance, and having unwavering faith in myself, my hopes, my dreams, and my abilities. I wake up tomorrow and again give life my everything.