If I were looking for a moment that would mark the beginning of another chapter in my life, this moment would be it. Kicking off with a three-day weekend, September 2024 is the beginning of amazing things.
I took up the opportunity at work and, in doing so, also took the next step, the following variable leap in life. This new job will require me to be at my best, push myself to be, and become everything I need to be at work. I must get out of my comfort zone and tackle the seemingly impossible. I even went to work on my day off to get my office set up and ready for the week ahead. I hung some inspirational posters to remind me of great individuals who also took on impossible situations and circumstances and, for themselves, came out victorious.
I am excited about my new position, but I am also happy that as I write this, it is only 15 days until my grand adventure back to Japan. My adventure team and I will leave the starting point at 11 p.m. and arrive in Denver prominently at 4 a.m.
If my trip to Japan wasn’t enough, I put some fantastic karma into the universe. The universe doesn’t know you are there if you don’t let it know you're there. The universe can’t give back what you don’t ask for. I have arranged for this to happen while I finish my first night in Japan, Shibuya Sky, and explore the surrounding area with a stop at Lost, a bar that the famous Chris Broad from Abroad in Japan and his future wife have opened. I am excited for my gift of sincerity to be delivered. I hope it makes for a smile and a moment of bliss and magic.
This is what I wrote,
From 5161 miles away, smile you're being thought of.
By the time you get and read this, I will be standing on top of the world, overlooking the city I love and wandering through the streets amidst a sea of a seemingly endless amount of people. Admit the euphoric chaos I think of you, hoping this brings you a smile and brightens your day. Although flowers, chocolates, and coffee don’t fix the day's problems, they make a great start at taking on the world. I know you don’t just try but give life and the world 110%. I know how passionate you are about your family, which is truly important to you. Here is to celebrating you! You got this! Keep being you cause you rock, and I’m rooting for you!
Why do this, some people might ask. Why do anything at all? Life is short, and all too often, we live, work, and work and work some more. Over time, we begin to lose that love of life, the desire to our lives, let alone celebrate the lives of others in meaningful ways. When we step back, we feel we are out of time for everyone and everything, including ourselves. Somehow, life has become so incredibly demanding and caught such speed that it’s all we can do to keep up. In many ways we lose ourselves, we lose sight of whats important almost like the tide puling us further and fruther into the abyess of rough and unforgiving seas.
We have to fight back and paddle for the shoreline and no longer allow our dreams to become novel notions, and the people we love and care about become forgotten faces. All I have to say about life is, I think I was there. I mean, I passed through it once.