The karama you put into the world is the Karama you get back.

Finally Friday had come and after debating and considering not going though with the the extra karma, the extra magic, I decided at the last minuet that everything worked out that I would go ahead as planned. I had a very busy Friday and after getting there early I decided that I would call the day early and still get my full eight.

On my way home I stopped off and got a Halloween bag, a set of assort candies to go with the rest of the gifts that I had in mind. I had to get home to get the paper crane along with a blank letter to be filled out. In my hurry I stopped off and refilled the Starbucks card since I used it and wanted it to have the full amount I intended. Once I had everything in place I raced downtown to put in an order for flowers.

I had arrived with just enough time to put together everything. I guess going into it I thought how it might come off as odd, sending someone flowers and gifts, for no apparent reason. in the end I thought why not. Flowers, coffee, chocolates, and money for dinner was the gift of the day. I had the note on the outside say from C.C.C.P. and the tag on the bag had their name.

The note read as follows: Although Coffee, chocolate and flowers don’t solve the worlds problems it makes one heck of a dent. From 5016 miles away I hope I can make you smile. By the way dinners on me. :) C.C.C.P.

I had an incredible time filling out everything and putting everything together as I talked to the two girls that helped me put everything together. One of them paid me an incredible complement by saying that she thought the day was over and here she was learning, and that I was like her own personal inspirational coach or something. It was wasn’t just an amazing feeling it was a lot of fun, know that karma was in motion and that by the time the everything was delivered I would be in Tokyo finishing up our first day of arrival. I would already be well into Thursday asleep early in the morning as it would be the late morning of Wednesday their time.

Everything was short lived I thought I would go and pay another bill since it was just down the street. As I got there and paid I realized that I had forgot to put the Starbucks card in the the envelope with the letter money and crane. I hurried back and made it just in time to complete the gift.

The idea that I had come over me was the idea of a personal revolution. A revolution is as much about fighting for ideas that you believe in and keeping them alive, as much as it about leaving ideas behind. A friend once articulated the idea that what ever the bond was it wasn’t enough continue to be what ever it was, if there was anything in the first place. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that there is something there, that we share some sort of comradery simply because we share the same space and time. Enough distance of both and we quickly find out there is nothing there in the first place.

My own philosophy got the better of me and because I do believe in what I do and am doing than I might as well go as far with my dreams, my goals and ambitions. Like a motionless top I pick it and put a revolutionary spit upon it and set it in motion, that and the rules of life. Just because life is playing out in one form or anther doesn’t mean that I can’t play the game as well.

Tokyo at the time of writing this is 38 hours away before the journey begins.