Another new chapter in life

I put my entire self into my hopes dreams and goals, and I put my faith in making them a reality in a higher power. I do my best to put out positive karma or to simply not think or entertain negative thoughts as that is not the energy I wish to put out into the universe. The ability to put negative energy out into the world only brings back more chaos drama and discord. I often have to remind myself that I work on making my dreams a reality on a greater level. I go on to tell myself that everything is connected, everything resonates on a frequency and it’s merely a matter of tuning in and being heard as much as it is listening. When I heard from my friend the other day that she had my piece of art ready for me I was ecstatic. I would have the chance to catch up in November along with being able to share some of my own artwork with my friend that by the time I see them will be well over a year. If that wasn’t enough shortly after talking to my friend half way around the world another friend got hold of me wanting to go to breakfast or coffee. I couldn’t go at that exact moment as I was in the process of making finial arrangements for my new job, but after we went and had a nice brunch down town. We caught up in the short time that it took to eat our breakfast leaving me glad I was returning to my life. I had an amazing start to my day and was left with a positive feeling of the things that were coming my way. I started the day after hearing from my friends and less then a week the wonderful girl I had been talking to took a turn for a more serious relationship. My life it would seem is coming together in some ways that I hadn’t imagined or ever thought would manifest and yet here we are.

I have grand goals for the future of this page. I am just about ready to finish the back side of the album. The cover being the display for the A.A.A.B.M. Along with the cover being finished I would like to get FR hoodies made with the A.A.A.B.M. written down the side of the sleeve. Also I would like to get a hat made up along with a box that I saw at Fed Ex. Apparently you can have your logel or image printed onto a box. I thought how cool would it be if I were to put together a box of stuff that was all geared towards art and sponsorship of the movement.

As for the summer of 2021 I would not only like to go back to Japan but I would also like to host an art show downtown at a gallery downtown that I am particular fond of. I would like to feature my art work that I have bought from my friend from Turkey. My thoughts are having the Elements of Istanbul along with some of my other pictures from Japan featured and have the show depict Elements of the World. I think it would be amazing to tell a story other then what is going on in the world right now. Other pieces that I would like to include would be the recent pieces I have been working on, such as the women from the subway in super large form.

The biggest goal would be to get to Japan for a long period of time and not only take my girlfriend but to also offer a residency to my friend. I went and visited her in her element and I would love for her to come and visit me in mine. On the list of places to see Tokyo, and Kyoto a super must. I regret that I had to cancel my trip for march and again I am having to cancel my trip in October. This cancellation is only temporary and affords me the time to save money to make this the most amazing trip ever. When I consider what I am trying to make this next trip into I suppose it should come as no surprise that it keeps getting put off.

As another component to the art movement I am intending on creating AMR Studios dedicated to film and video-blogging. For that I will need a new camera, phone, and lap top. A lap top to do the video editing at the level and intensity that I imagine is nothing short of small fortune. The camera will shoot in 4k and a new phone is just as essiensuale. When you think that a cell phone isn’t just a phone anymore but a way of connecting to the world instantly its an asset all in it’s own. The memes that show all the gadgets that a modern cell phone is unreal. I know from experience my phone has become a tool unparalleled in my driver forward.

The Rittenour hour will be a four segment installment where I talk about various aspects of the different generas and topics I wish to cover. A pod cast of some sort in the distant future along with interviews with other inspirational figures and individuals. This is still in it’s infancy considering that I still have to figure out a studio and start writing scripts. The art of comics has helped when it comes to figuring out a story line.

As for now the goal is to make money and regroup financially and move forward wisely. With the oil field taking a nose dive like it did and then Covid-19 after getting laid off I decided on making a change in industry to ones that would always be there or were at least and still open when everything else shut down. As of now I got my first job and loving the experience and wealth of knowledge. The greatest part of it all is the fact that I am doing grave yards, 10 PM- 6AM. Switching from days and being off for over three months its been quite a shock to the system. I am just not starting to adjust to the turn around just in time to kick things up again. I have an interview Wednesday after work for a second job.

Wish me luck.